Learning Lessons: The Road to Faberrittana (14/?)

Dec 21, 2011 16:30

Chapter Title: Sobering up and Facing the Consequences

Author: Stargirl888

Word Count: About 4200

Spoilers: None

Pairing: Brittany/Quinn friendship, Brittany/Santana

Rating: M

WARNINGS: Spanking, Caning, Domestic Discipline

Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been and unfortunately never will be :(

Summary: Brittany and Quinn reconnect and Santana learns why she should never drink and drive again.

A/N: Okay, so that 99.999% chance I wouldn’t update again before Christmas....yeah, you should know by now that I tend to do the opposite to what I say, lol. Still, I don’t think anyone will complain about another update, especially considering what’s in this one ;)  It was really thanks to my reviewers saying how much they liked last chapter that inspired me to get this one up so quickly I haven’t responded to reviews yet (mainly because I’ve been writing this) but I have seen them and I’ll respond to everyone tomorrow.

Without further ado......


“Morning.” Brittany greeted them, her anger over the previous night was still obvious.

“Hey.” Quinn replied apprehensively “I was just going out for a run.”

“No. You’re going to stay and listen to what I have to say first.” Brittany snapped. She had been thinking over their behaviour the whole morning and getting more worked up about it as time went on.  She didn’t even care that she never normally spoke to Quinn like that.

Not leaving any room for argument Brittany pointed to the spot Quinn had recently vacated, silently indicating her to sit down.

“Britt, I’m sure you and San will want some time to yourselves.” Quinn tried to get past her but Brittany was effectively blocking the door.

“Yes, and we will later, but right now you’re also going to hear me out because you are one of my best friends, I care about you and last night you knowingly got into the car with a drunk driver. So sit down.”

Quinn apprehensively did so, not about to argue with Brittany when she looked as she did. While Santana felt embarrassment rush through her at Brittanys comment about a drunk driver; it sounded so much worse when said that way.

Santana glanced at Quinn sympathetically as she stood up to greet Brittany properly. Brittany consented to the quick kiss while Santana meshed their fingers together, knowing Santana was trying to show how much she regretted the previous night through action alone, but she did not allow her expression to soften. Quinn wondered briefly at the way Santana was comfortable enough to make this gesture despite Brittany’s countenance, seeming to her on par with trying to pet an  enraged  lion. She loved Brittany but right now she wanted as much space between her and the angry blond as she could get. She momentarily wandered if this was how Rachel had felt all those times she had been in trouble, and how they had never been affectionate in the way Brittany and Santana were, when Rachel was in trouble, before pushing aside the thought at the twinge of hurt that came with thinking about when they were together.

“Go sit down.” Brittany murmured in a kinder tone, pulling back and untangling their hands. Santana did so reluctantly. Brittany moved to sit on the sofa that was adjacent to the one Santana and Quinn were on, angled perpendicular to it.

“Do either of you know how nerve wracking it is to get a phone call from the hospital in the early hours of the morning? Brittany asked rhetorically and both shook their heads no, Santana trying to sink deeper into her seat. Brittany had never given her more than the briefest of scolding’s in front of someone else before and it added a new level of embarrassment to everything. “Last night you could have died, you could have gone into a coma, you could have become paralysed. We’ve all been to enough talks about the dangers of drinking and driving to know the risks.” Brittany hadn’t once raised her voice, a fact that surprised Quinn who was used to people shouting when angry, even though she herself rarely did.

“Neither of us were that drunk.” Quinn pointed out, already feeling shaken by the whole event and wanting to just move on from it. She was tired of getting admonished over this, deserved or not, when she already knew she was wrong. Santana could have told Quinn that this was not the right route to take.

“Had you had more than one drink?” Brittany asked calmly

“No, but...”

“Then you’d had too much to drink. And it’s not as if you didn’t have other options. You knew I was sober enough to drive and you could have called me,  or my parents. You could have stayed at Pucks for the night. It was just stupid and unnecessary to try drive yourselves, and Santana you promised me you wouldn’t drive.” Their eyes met briefly at that reminder “I would expect better judgment from the two of you.” Brittany paused to allow the message to sink in.

“Right, Santana, go fetch what I need from your dressing table and under your bed, you know what I want. Meanwhile, I would like to talk to Quinn for a moment.”

Santana sent Brittany a pleading look as she realised just what was in store for her but didn’t actually protest as she left the room, well aware of how reckless her actions the previous night had been never mind the fact she had done something she promised Brittany she wouldn’t.

Quinn waited anxiously for Brittany to address her again.

“Quinn, I’m worried about you.” Brittany admitted after a moment, her tone softening with concern. “And not only about your choice to get in that car last night. You’ve been cutting a lot of classes the last few weeks - enough for the teachers to start questioning the cheerios excuse. You’re snapping at people more than you ever used to and Coach actually made you run extra laps the other day.”  Quinns expression darkened at the reminder; she had been distracted when she noticed Rachel sitting on the bleachers waiting for Santana during practice and missed her cue, throwing the entire team off. That never happened with her.

“Don’t try to mother me.” Quinn snapped, going into automatic defence mode before she could stop herself.

“That’s not what I’m doing. I’m trying to be a friend and saying that I’m concerned.” Brittany replied calmly. “I know that you’re taking this whole Rachel and Santana situation harder than you let on  but behaving as you have been is not the right way to deal with it and one of these days it will get you into real trouble.”

“It hasn’t so far.”

“Oh, what about that sprained wrist you’re sporting?” Brittany asked “You’re lucky; your position in the school leaves you with a lot of latitude as does your mothers regular absence, but it also means you’ve got no one but yourself to stop you from going too far. And when you don’t do try to subconsciously punish yourself in  ways that are no way healthy.”

“I can stop myself.” Quinn said, though she felt none of the conviction she tried to put into the words and Brittany just looked at her sadly as though she knew it.

“You’re not alone in this world Quinn, you have people to talk to, people willing to help you.”

“Who?” Quinn demanded, and before she could hold them back the thoughts she had been ignoring began to spill out “My mother cares only that I’m fed, clothed and shelter, the teachers at school couldn’t care less about us, or those who do can only offer ‘sing a song about it’ for advice. My girlfriend broke up with me in a letter because she was into someone else, that someone else happening to be one of my best friends. Santana has effectively stolen my girlfriend from me and you practically encouraged it and you’re not even concerned that your girlfriend likes someone else, which in my opinion is ‘unhealthy’. We’ve barely spoken to each other in months, the same for me and San and If any of you cared about me, my life wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in today” Quinn’s voice had risen in pitch during her speech and she was practically shouting by the end of it.

“It’s not fair to blame all of that on us, and none of those things means we don’t care about you. Quinn, we’ve been best friend for so many years, and been through so many things that there is no possibly way I could not care for you. Santana too, and I can tell Rachel still loves you. And just because I agreed to Rachel and Santana dating does not mean I’m not concerned about what it could mean for us. You’re right in that there’s been distance between use lately and  while I allowed it to happen because I thought you needed the space, I can now she that I was wrong to do so. I should have been there for you more these last few months but I cannot redo the past. I can however tell you that that’s going to change from now on, and now you’re going to have to put up with me showing you how much I care, like it or not.”

Quinn resisted the suddenly strong urge to hug her friend gratefully, but did offer her a soft smile. Brittanys words meaning more to her than she was willing to admit. Brittany however was not one for denying her urges and leant over to wrap her arms around Quinn. She was also not oblivious to the fact that part of the reason for Quinn got into the car with Santana was because she was clinging on to the moment of friendship the pair shared at the party.

“However,” Brittnay continued as she pulled back, keeping reassuring contact by holding Quinns hands in her own, and not missing the momentary uncertainty in her eyes. “that also means that I care about you too much to sit by and continue watching you wallow and self destruct.” Brittany paused to judge Quinns reaction to her words. Quinn considered momentarily, having an idea what Brittany meant.

“You can’t stop me though.” Quinn pointed out, “I’m not like Santana or Rachel, or even you I suppose, in a way; I can’t give you or anyone else that sort of authority over me. You know that; not after all those years with my father. I won’t live like that again.”

“You need to be able to stop yourself.” Brittany agreed; surprising Quinn who had thought that she was going to argue, but Brittany understood how important control was for Quinn. The head Cheerio wasn’t like Santana who needed to let go sometimes though, because loosing that control left her feeling more vulnerable than she could handle. “But you also need consequences for when you fail to do so, because your ways of punishing yourself only lead to you doing something equally bad, for which you punish yourself again and it turns into a cycle.”

Quinn found herself unable to meet Brittany’s gaze. Brittany tugged on her hands gently to get her attention. “I know you Quinn Fabray.” Brittany murmured when Quinn finally did look up, and Quinn could find no judgment in her eyes. “What I was suggesting was that when you feel like you’re going to do something you shouldn’t, or afterwards you come to me for consequences when you fail to get them elsewhere;  and we can talk and decide on appropriate actions. If you’d prefer someone else, maybe Ms Pillsbury or my mom, then that’s fine too, but you need to talk about things and not bottle up everything inside or try to handle it all by yourself.”

“So you would punish me?” Quinn asked tentatively.

“Only after we talked and decided it was required; it’s not only about that. I would like for you to come to me when you need to talk, not only when you’ve done something you shouldn’t have.”

“So not like you and Santana or Rachel?”

“No,” Brittany confirmed “you would be holding yourself accountable. I’m not saying I won’t be upset if you pull something like you did last night, or try to talk to you about it, but that’s all, if you feel you need consequences then you can ask, but I won’t assume to impose them.”

Quinn gave a small nod to acknowledge she had heard while she thought.

“Think it through,” Brittany continued, “In the mean time I kind of need to talk to Santana; it’s not fair of me to keep her waiting so long. You can wait upstairs if you like, and later this afternoon we can do a movie marathon like we used to.”

Quinn agreed and got up, Brittany offered her another quick hug before following her to the door of the lounge. Brittany called for Santana behind her as she ascended the stairs. She paused, looking around to see Santana go through from the kitchen where she had been waiting, the angle not allowing Quinn to see what she was holding. She was still standing there watching when Brittany came to the sitting room door.

“You’re welcome to put in a dvd or something in Santana’s room if you want. We’ll probably be a short while” Brittany offered, waiting until she heard Santana’s bedroom door close before closing the lounge door and turning to Santana.

Once the door was closed Santana quickly went to wrap her arms around her girlfriend and bury her face in her neck, finally alone with Brittany.

“I’m so so so sorry.” Santana mumbled her apologies against pale skin while Brittany tightened her arms around her waist.

“I know you are, and I’m relieved you’re alright.” Brittany replied.

“I really was an idiot last night.” Santana said as she pulled away enough to see the dancers face, making a rare admission.

“Yes.” Brittany agreed. “What did your father say when he found out?”

“Not much - took away my car and gave me the sentra instead before running out the door to golf.” Brittany tightened her arms comfortingly for a second, knowing her fathers lack of interest would have hurt the latina but otherwise didn’t comment on it - they had discussed him countless times before and there was not much left to say on the matter.

“The sentra which you won’t be driving for the next two weeks anyway.” Brittany informed her, causing a scowl to form but no argument was forthcoming. “Shall we get this over with then?”

Santana nodded and held out the dowel rod and strap she had been sent to retrieve, her hands not all together steady. Brittany took them and placed them on the coffee table.

“There’s two reasons I’m about to spank you,” Brittany explained “the first is the drunken driving, and the second is that you did it not long after promising me you wouldn’t. Now I already lectured you with Quinn so do you want to discuss anything else before you get into position?”

“No ma’am.” Santana responded just above a whisper.

“Alright, then pants off and you can bend over the armrest of the couch.”

Santana quickly removed the tracksuit pants she was wearing and Brittney put her hand lightly on the small of Santana’s back to encourage her into position, knowing how difficult Santana found this part; the anticipatory moments just before always being the worst for her.

Brittany ran her hands over Santana’s buttocks, resting them both there for a moment. “Breath honey.” Brittany encouraged, realising Santana was holding her breath. Santana let out the air quickly before drawing more in. Brittany raised her right hand bringing it down firmly, raising only a slight sting. She spanked slow and steadily, the aim being more to warm up the area than to actually punish at the moment. Santana allowed herself to relax for a second, not minding this part too much since the sting was not all that painful.

As though reading her thoughts Brittany began to smack quicker, increasing the sting to a less comfortable level. When Santana began squirming slightly to avoid her hand Brittany stopped spanking


“Tell me why you’re being punished?” she asked.

“I promised you I wouldn’t drive myself home,” Santana replied, her voice muffled from her position as she battled to focus with Brittanys hands now squeezing and pinching her ass with no sort of pattern or rhythm in mind in a far from pleasant way. “I drove my car despite having been drinking.”

“Right,” Brittany agreed, stopping her ministrations and reaching over to pick up the strap. “Okay, now I’m going to start and I’ll stop once you’ve listed ten reasons why you shouldn’t drink and drive.”

“It’s dangerous.” Santana said quickly as Brittany brought down the strap with a loud slap, causing Santana’s breath to catch.

“For who?” Brittany asked, giving her a second before bringing the strap down again when Santana forgot to continue.

“Myself.” Santana replied.

“Yes, that’s one,” she counted, with another smack.

“Other people in the car.”

“Two.” Brittany added with another smack

“Other drivers.” Santana said at the same time the next slap landed, causing her to whimper in pain.

“Three.” Brittany was also keeping a careful count on the number of swats  as she landed the sixths one on Santana’s thighs. She was careful to keep to a slow paced rhythm of about one smack every five seconds, giving Santana enough time to answer but not too much. Santana cringed as the fire rose up, worrying that she wouldn’t be able to think of the required ten reasons since she was only on three and already out of ideas.

“I could have an accident and damage my car.”

“Four.” Brittany continued relentlessly, refusing to allow herself to give in to the impulse and stop Santana’s punishment early.

“I can’t think of any more.” Santana whined after a particularly hard smack.

“Yes you can.” Brittany replied, slowing down slightly already on 10 smacks with the strap and not really wanting to go over twenty.

“I could be arrested.”

“Good, that’s five.” Brittany encouraged.

“I could wind up in hospital.”

“Six, and what about the other people?” Brittany hinted.

“I could put someone else in hospital.”

“Seven.Very good, only three more.” Brittany was starting to regret making her list so many reasons as she delivered another swat, knowing that Santana was not far away from reaching her limit. Santana was racking her brains for a few more reasons, finding coherent thought difficult with her backside feeling like it had been exposed to an open flame it was so sore.

“I could run someone over.”

“Eight.” Brittany paused now, waiting for the final two reasons.

“I....I  could drive off the road and get stuck in a ditch.” Santana’s words were choked.

“Nine.” Brittany counted and landed one last swat before Santana could give her reason number ten.

“I could drive my car off a cliff?” Brittany had to bite back a smile at that one and Santana waited anxiously to see if she’d accept it.

“There’s not really any cliffs in Lima, but I guess if you were somewhere with cliffs then yes, so okay; Ten.” Brittany didn’t have the heart to make her think of another one.

If anything this confirmation that that ordeal was over with caused Santana to break down more as she sobbed into the couch cushions.

“Alright, you did really well.” Brittany soothed softly, gently coaxing Santana up and into her arms, whispering soothing words to Santana’s garbled apologies as Santana tried to gingerly rub away some of the sting.

“Now because this was so serious we’re not quite finished yet.” Brittany said once Santana had begun to calm down, only causing another bout of tears.

“Santana, stop.” Brittany said in a firmer tone when the tears began to teeter on the edge of hysterical. “Take some deep breaths.” Santana tried to follow her girlfriends advice and after a few moments calmed down somewhat.

“I don’t think I can...” Santana mumbled into Brittanys neck. Brittany pulled back and forced Santana to meet her gaze.

“You can take this.” Brittany said with absolute conviction. “What you did yesterday was incredibly dangerous for all those reasons you gave me and more, and you knew those reasons long before last night. I will not have a repeat of that but I will also not force you into anything so I’m going to leave you the decision.”

Santana could barely stand the intensity of the blonds gaze in her current vulnerable state but she fought the urge to look away. Steeling herself like never before she nodded her consent. Brittany couldn’t help but feel proud of Santana at that moment and immediately brought their lips together in an impassioned kiss.

“We can wait a little while if you’d like,” Brittany allowed. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”

Santana took a deep breath. “I’m ready.” Brittany would only normally gave her one or two stripes at most with the rod just to drive her point home; and she hoped that it would be the same today.

Brittany gave her another short kiss and glanced around to see what area would allow her sufficient space since the rod was more unwieldy and she didn’t want to risk accidentally breaking something by  putting having Santana back over the couch. “I think the easiest will be if we push aside the coffee table and you bend over and put your hands on your knees.”

Santana nodded, slightly recovered though still dreading what was to come and wishing Brittany had let her lean over something rather than have to support herself through this ordeal. They lifted the coffee table and set it in the corner. Oddly enough, as Santana bent over she felt more self-conscious and embarrassed in this position, now that she wasn’t leaning on or against something.

“Okay, I’m going to give you five.” Brittany said as she took up position on Santana’s left side. “One for doing something you promised you wouldn’t, one for recklessly endangering you own life, Quinns and anyone else who happened to be driving around in your vicinity last night and then three to represent three alternatives you had to driving last night.” Santana let out a small whimper when she heard how many.

“The first one will be for breaking your promise to me.”  Brittany said, bringing down the dowel quickly. Santana let out a grunt but didn’t move, tears pricking at her eyes again. “For the next three I want you to give me some of the alternatives you had to driving last night.”

Brittany cringed in empathetic pain as Santana replied with staying at Pucks house, having to tighten her grip on the makeshift cane and force herself not to strike too lightly as she eyed Santana’s punished ass, only able to imagine how sore it must be. They got through the last three quickly; Santana citing calling someone for a lift or walking as other alternatives and Brittany taking care not to overlap any strokes, watching the stripes stand out on Santana’s skin. When it was over she practically fell into Brittany who guided them to the couch, and after some awkward manoeuvring Santana managed to half lay against her girlfriend with nothing touching her aching bottom.  Santana wasn’t even going to attempt rubbing it right then. They relaxed in silence for a bit, both feeling drained and enjoying the closeness they were experiencing.

“You know I’m going to have bruises tomorrow.” Santana muttered unhappily while Brittany ran her hands soothingly through her hair.

“Mmm,” Brittany agreed tiredly.

“And then I’m going to have to go sit in church with those hard benches and I probably won’t have recovered by Monday either which means sitting through the whole school day.” Santana continued in a woe-to-me, exaggerated way, though without any seriousness.

“You don’t even go to church except on Christmas and Easter.” Brittany pointed out with a smile, playfully tugging on the strand of hair she was playing with.

“Well I was thinking of starting.” Santana mumbled.

“Aww, poor baby.” Brittany cooed teasingly, drawing a smile from the latina.

“For future reference though,” Santana continued though with more seriousness, “I think I prefer bending over something to holding my knee.”

“Noted.” Brittany confirmed. “Would you like me to get some aloe gel?”

Santana nodded gratefully, carefully climbing off of Brittany before moving to lay back down on the couch on her stomach and grabbing a cushion to pillow her head.

Brittany quickly made her way upstairs. Quinn was laying out on Santana’s bed channel surfing when Brittany entered. She gave Quinn a tight smile as she crossed to the dresser.

“B, I was hoping I could talk to you?” She asked tentatively.

“I just need to go back down to Santana first.” Brittany replied as she found the bottle she was looking for. Quinn glanced at it uncomfortably for a second before looking anywhere but there. “I’ll come back up in like five minutes and then we can talk.”

“Okay.” Quinn agreed and Brittany left.

When Brittany got into the lounge she found Santana dozing peacefully. She set to work quickly squeezing out some gel and carefully spreading it over Santana’s bottom and upper thighs. She was trying to be as gentle as possible but she could feel Santana cringe when she went near one of the welts.

“Alright, done.” She announced a minute later, capping the bottle while Santana released a grateful sigh. “Quinn wants to talk to me so why don’t you take a nap?”

Santana was wiped out from the events of the last hour, along with having had very few hours sleep the night before. Brittany took her mumbled reply as a yes and grabbed the thin throw rug that was draped over the other chair and carefully arranged it over Santana’s lower legs, knowing better than to pull it any higher up. She went to pull shut the curtains and block out the sunlight streaming into the room (all the windows had net curtains in them and opened onto the Lopez’s back yard so she hadn’t needed to close it earlier).

Making sure once again that Santana was settled comfortably - or as comfortable as was possible, she quietly left to go back up to Quinn, making sure to shut the lounge door firmly behind her.


There we go, getting back into the swing of things with a spanking. I think I’m going soft - I was feeling terrible writing about Brittany caning Santana, but I’ve been told it’s just the Christmas spirit and to ignore it :) Lol.

I know I don’t need to tell you all how fond I am of reviews ;)

brittana, friendship: quinn/santana/brittany, glee, spanking, learning lessons verse, santana/brittany

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