Learning Lessons: The Road to Faberrittana (13/?)

Dec 20, 2011 11:01

Title: Insobriety = Stupidity.
Author: Stargirl888
Word Count:  Just under 3000
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Quinn/Santana Friendship, Brittany/Santana
Rating: T
WARNINGS: Drinking & driving, hints at Domestic Discipline if you squint.  
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been and unfortunately never will be :(
Summary: Quinn and Satana bond at a party and make a rather stupid decision.

A/N: So this is my Christmas gift to everyone because I felt I had to post something before Christmas. Thanks for all the support and reviews and I hope you enjoy. Special thanks to NayaFan for her input with this chapters direction :)


It was another house party and Quinn eyed Santana and Rachel resentfully from where she was sitting on the couch in the corner. If she was being honest, they weren’t really doing anything more than talking; laughing over some no doubt snarky comment Santana had just made, but to Quinn they may as well have been making out in front of her.

She took another large gulp from her cup - she wasn’t exactly sure what was in it but the alcohol was strong enough to leave a heady burn on the way down. To say she wasn’t coping well with the break up would be an understatement . She thought she had been doing pretty well while they were on a break - maybe because she always figured that they’d get back together, but after Rachels letter it had hit home that they were really over. And she knew that Rachel and Santana were together now which didn’t help matters - even though no one had confirmed this for her. She took another sip, hoping that it would allow her not to think about it anymore.

Santana glanced over to the couch and spotted Quinn, her smile fading slightly as she noticed the blond. She murmured something to Rachel as Brittany appeared next to them. They all glanced in Quinns direction briefly.

“Come to gloat?” Quinn asked irritably when Santana slumped into the seat next to her a moment later.

Santana scoffed but didn’t reply, instead easily taking the cup from Quinns hand to have a sip, grimacing at the strong taste.

“Since when do you drink the strong stuff?” she asked.

“You have your own.” Quinn replied in annoyance, taking back the cup. “You’ve taken enough from me without adding my drink to the list.”

“I never wanted take Rachel from you.” Santana replied quietly.

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Santana just shook her head but knew better than to argue with Quinn when drunk - it always did more harm than good.

“So what’s the plan? Sit here all night getting drunk and feeling sorry for yourself?” Santana asked after a moment.

“Pretty much.” Quinn agreed, taking another sip which Santana mirrored. “That wasn’t really an invitation to join me.”

Santana shrugged but made no more to leave.

“Just go away S.”

“No can do. Haven’t you ever heard you shouldn’t drink alone?”

“I’m at a party full of people.” Quinn pointed out.

“I stand by my earlier statement,”

“Bitch.” Quinn muttered to which Santana didn’t reply. They sat drinking in silence for a while; people watching.

They noticed Rachel and Kurt having an animated conversation by the stereo system. “It’s not too late, you know.” Santana offered cautiously “I know you think she’s moved on and is over you but she’s really not.”

“S,” Quinn sighed “I really don’t want to talk about her tonight.”

“Alright,” Santana agreed, as they were both suddenly distracted by red faced JewFro who had obviously snuck into the party uninvited and was trying to do a version of the Funky Chicken.

“It’s like he’s trying to give birth.” Santana snarked and Quinn’s lips quirked into a half smile.

“Or lay an egg.” She added, causing them both to chuckle in amusement. Puck appeared behind the boy who now had a ring of people around him, all fearing to move within three feet of him for fear of their own safety, and practically frog marched him from the house.

With the tension lessening after that both girls managed to relax more, and began exchanging comments on the people who wandered past where they were seated.

At some point in the evening Brittany came past to say she and Rachel were ready to leave, which prompted a rather inebriated Quinn to become rather tearful, though she refused to explain or leave the party with them so Santana decided to stay with her; promising Brittany she would just stay at Pucks for the night since she had been drinking and Brittany was their designated driver. Brittany reluctantly agreed, since it was her night with S anyway, hoping that whatever Santana was doing would help mend things between her and Quinn.

When Brittany left neither of them commented on Quinns odd behaviour, rather just going back to people watching.

“I guess I should get going; I still have to walk home” Quinn commented about an hour later as the party was winding down; having chosen not to drive to the party so she didn’t need to worry about how much she drank.

“Want a ride?” Santana offered

“Didn’t you come with Brittany?”

“We came in my car and she gave Rachel a lift back in hers so mine’s still here.” Santana explained.

“I don’t really think either of us are in a state to drive right now.” Quinn replied as they both rose to their feet, swaying uncertainly for a moment.

“Nonsense. I’ve barely been drinking this last hour, I’m practically sober.” Santana replied and while it was true she was less drunk than she was earlier, practically sober was a bit of an exaggeration. Quinn looked at her sceptically, she could feel her conscience shouting to her to say no but thanks to some liquid help it wasn’t as strong as it would have normally been, she was also really enjoying spending time with Santana as though the last few months never happened and not quite ready for that to end yet.

“Okay.” She ignored the feeling that she had just made a mistake as she followed Santana out of the party.


Mrs Pierce was startled by the sound of her cellphone ringing, immediately worried when a glance at the clock told her it was after midnight.


“Hi, Barb? It’s Jill.” Jill was nurse at the hospital Mrs Pierce worked at. “Listen, it’s nothing to panic about but a couple of kids were brought in here after a minor collision and asked us to call you. They’re okay, just a few cuts and bruises and one sprained wrist.”

Mrs Pierce knew it was neither of her kids because she had checked on both of them not half an hour ago after getting home.

“What are their names?” she asked as Brittany descended the stairs, curious to know who her mother was talking to at this hour

Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray.

“Oh, they’re friends with my daughter. Santana’s parents are out of town a lot which is probably why she asked you to call me.” Mrs Pierce’s serious expression immediately set Brittany to worrying as she waited for her mom to finish the phone call.

“Okay, thanks Jill, I’ll come down now and collect them.” Hanging up the phone Mrs Pierce turned to her daughter to explain. “It was the hospital. Quinn and Santana were in a minor car accident. They’re okay, although one of them has a sprained wrist. I’m going to go fetch them.”

Brittany felt a small amount of relief wash through her, though she knew she would need to see them before she stopped worrying completely. “Can I come with you?” she asked quickly. “Papa’s here with Stacy.”

“Alright,” her mom agreed, “I just need to change quickly.”

Not much later they were in the car on the way to the hospital.

They pulled up outside the hospital and Brittany followed her mom through to the front desk where a night receptionist was fiddling on the computer. After explaining to the lady on duty they were directed to the ER.


“So how mad do you think she’ll be?” Quinn asked Santana as they sat in their hospital beds waiting for Mrs Pierce to arrive.

“On a scale between one and ten, I’m guessing around a 12.”

“Does she even get mad though. I’ve never seen her angry, even after we messed up her kitchen trying to make cookies when we were ten.” Quinn pointed out hopefully.

“Trust me, she gets mad.” Santana had seen Mrs Pierce angry a few times in her life and she was not looking forward to seeing her like that again. “I only hope that Britt was asleep or we’re both seriously in for it.”

At that moment the curtain separating them from the rest of the room was pulled back and both girls cringed as Brittany and Mrs Pierce entered.

“Damn right you’re in for it.” Brittany agreed as she walked over to give Santana a quick kiss. “You’re okay?” she confirmed, looking Santana over and relieved to see only a few plasters scattered about Santana’s skin.

“Yeah, I’m fine. A little banged up, mainly from practically falling out of the car afterwards but fine. “

“And Quinn?” Brittany asked, flitting around Santana’s bed so she was located between the two of them.

“Sprained wrist.” Quinn reported, indicating her bandaged arm.

“We’ll you’re lucky it wasn’t anything more serious.” Mrs Pierce observed bluntly. “Were you drinking?”

Santana and Quinn averted their eyes guiltily and Mrs Pierce let out a disappointed sigh. Santana had been around the Pierce family so much over the years that Mrs Pierce viewed her as one of her own children, a feeling reciprocated by Santana herself, and she was as disappointed the girls behaviour as she would have been had it been Brittany or Stacy in the situation. Quinn too was close to the Pierce family and the womans displeasure weighed heavily on her conscience, though not in quite the same way. They were interrupted by a nurse who called Mrs Pierce away to sign some paperwork for their release, leaving the two injured girls to face Brittany, who now that she had confirmed for herself that they were okay was furious about the situation that led to the collision.

Santana chanced a glance up at Brittany and almost physically cringed from the look in Brittanys eyes.

“Who was driving?” Brittany demanded, moving so she could survey both girls equally.

“Me.” Santana mumbled, feeling about two inches tall, while Quinn fidgeted uncomfortably under Brittanys harsh gaze. She had seen glimpses of this side of Brittany when Santana would do something stupid, but though she had argued with the dancer in the past, she had never felt like she was in trouble with her, though it was somewhat comforting to Quinn, in her shaken state, that Brittany cared enough to be upset with her too. Before Brittany could say more though, Mrs Pierce returned to announce that they could leave.


“You should both be ashamed of yourselves tonight.” Mrs Pierce said sternly as they all climbed into the car a moment later, Quinn and Santana in the back seat while Brittany rode shotgun. “To get behind the wheel of a car when drunk is reckless, and not the sort of behaviour I’d expect from you. Santana.” Mrs Pierce called sharply, seeing in her rear view mirror as she reversed out of the parking that Santana was fiddling with her bag and not really paying attention, her mind consumed with thoughts of how to make it up to Brittany; as well as what Rachels reaction would be. The latina jumped and glanced up.

“Sorry.” She murmured, shamefacedly.

“You knew you could have called Brittany or myself and we would have come and given you a lift home. I’m not naive enough to think that you kids don’t drink, but I try to trust in the fact that if you do indulge you will be responsible about it - not get in the car and try to drive yourselves home. We’ve had this talk, you know you could’ve called me. Brittany was your DD and she could have come and fetched you if you didn’t want me to know.

“And Quinn, for future reference, that option is always there for you too.” Mrs Pierce added as an afterthought “If you need a lift you call me rather than getting in the car with someone who’s intoxicated then do so. I’m fairly certain that you were aware of Santana’s state when you got in the car and that was as stupid as attempting to drive yourself. Both you girls are lucky to have the lives that you do and you shouldn’t risk losing it just because of some accident that could have been avoided.” Quinn was taken aback at being singled out, and it felt rather strange to her to be lectured in this way. She knew she used to do it to Rachel on occasion, but no one ever really scolded her. Her mother would normally simply tell her not to do whatever it was and leave it at that.

They drove in silence for a few more minutes before Mrs Pierce enquired if either of the girls parents were home.

“I’m staying at Satana’s place this weekend because my mom decided to go visit my aunt.” Quinn said quickly, knowing Mrs Pierce wouldn’t allow her to go home to an empty house tonight and not particularly wanting to become a sudden house guest of the Pierce family.

“My Dad is home.” Santana added, sending Quinn a look that told her it would be fine for her to stay over.

Brittanys mom pulled into the Lopez’s driveway a few moments later.

“I’m giving both you girls until 11 o’clock tomorrow morning to tell your parents what happened tonight before I do.”

They both nodded dejectedly as they climbed out of the car. Brittany got out too to say goodbye with some semblance of privacy and Santana came to stand in front of her.

“You and I are going to discuss this tomorrow.” She warned quietly so her mother couldn’t hear them, Santana nervously shifted her weight from foot to foot, well aware that that would not be a pleasant conversation.

“Okay.” Santana agreed “I’m sorry I made you worry about me.”

“Worry is an understatement, though that’s not the reason I’m angry.” Brittany responded, consenting to give Santana a quick peck on the lips.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Brittany added to Quinn, who came around to say goodbye and Quinn gave a small nod before following Santana into the house.

When they got home and Brittany went to open the door to climb out her mother stopped her.

“Both those girls were lucky it wasn’t more serious. I can trust that if you ever need a ride home and you’re drunk you’d call me, right?” her mom asked her seriously.

“Of course.” Brittany assured her, leaning over for an awkward hug over the gear box.


The next morning Santana’s finger hovered lightly over the send key on her cell phone. She had just typed out a message to tell Brittany her father had left for the day - golfing or something like that - but she knew that doing so would mean she had to face her girlfriend that much sooner. She knew she was being  a wimp by not just doing it already but considering what she knew was coming, she couldn’t help it.

She had already called Rachel to tell her what had happened, and endured a 10 minute lecture on the dangers of drunk driving while Quinn was in the shower and she suspected she’d receive another one when she saw Rachel later.
Santana found it both ironic and rather sad that both she and Quinn had both been more nervous about her girlfriends reaction than their parents.

Quinns phone call to her mother had lasted all of three minutes where her mother said she was glad she was alright and that she should know better, and Santana’s father had simply taken one look at the car, which had been towed to the house because the tow truck drivers were idiots and didn’t think to take it to the auto shop instead, demanded the keys and then handed over the keys to the old sentra they had in the garage instead before rushing out the door because he was running late. Santana couldn’t help be a little disappointed that that was the full extent of his interest in the matter.

Sighing and exchanging a nervous glance with Quinn who was sitting beside her, Santana decided it was time to face the music and hit send. Less than a minute later Brittany responded that she was on the way over.

“Umm...I should take a walk or something. I’ll talk to Britt later.” Quinn murmured uncomfortably.

“Okay.” Santana agreed gratefully, knowing that Brittany wouldn’t be pleased Quinn had left before seeing her but glad that it meant she would be alone when Brittany got there, however, no sooner had Quinn stood up and headed through to collect her jacket that they heard the front door opening - Brittany didn’t live far away.


So, thoughts, opinions etc? I’ve had the second part of this chapter with the accident written for quite a while now and have been trying to find a way to work it in so I’m thrilled to finally post it!!! I’m taking writers liberty with the hospital releasing Santana and Quinn into Mrs Pierces care because I don’t think they’re allowed to but I needed it to work - if it makes you feel better maybe when the girls were younger their parents signed something giving her permission in case anything happened while they were out of town? Idk, minor point.

Fair warning to everyone that the next couple of chapters are probably going to be Brittana and Quitt focussed.
I’m 99.999% certain there won’t be another update before Christmas so for those of you who celebrate it I’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and incase I don’t get an update up before the 1st, Happy New Year!!! Thanks for all your support and sticking with me through this journey :)

Reviews are always appreciated ;) 

glee, friendship: quinn/santana, learning lessons verse, santana/brittany

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