Jul 21, 2006 04:25
so it is insanely early/late to be up doing anything but i have to pee and i don't know which bathroom to use.... i could use jackie's but she's got her bedroom door open..so i'd have to shut that.... but she does sleep through everything so maybe thats a possiblity and i don't really want to trek through s and d's room just to pee....so we shall see...haha i rhymed..your jealous bitches....
so i got paid at 12:01 AM and i took this quiet time to transfer some funds and pay my cell phone bill....and now that thats accomplished i have $1,000 in the car fund baby!!!!!! which as soon as i am g--damn able withdrawing and hiding somewhere so i don't end up touching it.... no for real..if it stays in my acct i'll have about $300 dollars less than that by the next time i get paid.......
(but that might be it for the car saving for a little while....and you'll all know why soon enough!)
damn........the battery is going on this thing.....peace out.....