Rec Category: Teyla Emmagan
Pairing: none
Category: gen, post-episode tag, Teyla Emmagan, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay
Warning: implied slash (Sheppard/McKay)
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Negotiating Shadows Why This Must Be Read:
This is a wonderfully written post-ep to "Be All My Sins Remember'd," where Aesc delves more into Teyla and John's friendship, their individual motivations, and offers a palatable follow through of how they move on from John's reaction to Teyla's news. Ronon and Rodney are also featured slightly, but the strength in this piece lies in the back and forth between Teyla and John in the most fitting venue - the gym, over bantos.
John looks at her as though she's about to explode and begins a careful first attack. And a second, the third as slowly as he'd done when he'd been even more of a novice than he is now. He is fighting the child, Teyla realizes, or a hybrid of Teyla-and-stranger, made of glass that might break.
She lashes out, bantos flickering one-two, a crack across his right wrist with one, the other hooking behind his left knee while the pain distracts him. John hits the mat before the first curse is even out of his mouth, and she pins him, not with bantos crossed over his chest or her foot planted on top of him, but with a glare that has him suddenly, satisfyingly still.
"You will listen to me now." She forces her breath to stay even, though most of what breaks it is anger and confusion, not the weight of the child in her. "You will lie there and you will listen."
"My people are gone." The words still hurt to say, even as she vows, silently, I will find you. "You are my community now--you are my people."
"You're mine too," John says before she can glare him into silence.