Rec Category: Cameron Mitchell
Pairing: Mitchell/Lorne
Category: episode tag (Collateral Damage 9.12); angst; crossover (SGA)
Warning: Slash
Author on LJ:
casspeachAuthor's Website: Link:
For The Peace of All Why this must be read: As the writer says, this is a tag to Mitchell's flashback/memory in Collateral Damage. Canon gives us so much angst for Cam, and once in a while it gets explored in fic in a way that feels really right. For The Peace of All is one of those stories, and it's a lovely take on Lorne, who manages competent, insightful and hot in this as well.
"What the fuck," he drawled, and yeah, drinking and crying, "do you want?" Evan bounced the ball at his feet by way of answer and Mitchell snorted an unattractive and viciously half-smiling response. "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don’t know what happened."
"I know. I figure this is the best chance we have of finally beating you," Evan shot back, handing one of the beers to Mitchell and taking a drag of his own.