"Come Unhappy Wanderer" by MagpieDreamer (Rated T)

Nov 10, 2005 23:03

Rec Category: Teyla Emmagan

Pairing: Slight Sheppard/Teyla
Category: Friendship, team, character
Warning: mention of nightmares...?

Author on LJ: N/A
Author's Website: N/A - only has a Fanfiction.net profile

Link: Come Unhappy wanderer

Why This Must Be Read: The fic has vague ship but despite that it's really more of friendship piece for Sheppard and Teyla, and really a team friendship piece by the end. It managed to mix in the friendship moments along with insights into Teyla's life, and how everything has changed for her - inlcuding the addition of the others in her life - and how she is dealing. The ship in it is fairly subtle, the writer describing themself as a realist shipper rather than doing soppy fic and I must say it's easy to take this piece how you'd like to, either friendship or more. It's not the most well polished fic I've ever read I'll admit but I find alot of it interesting because it is set after Rising but not by much it appears, and was written when SGA fic was still fairly new and few had a detailed take on Teyla then.

team, character: teyla emmagan, pairing: john/teyla, friendship, character study

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