"Clarke's Law" by Isis (PG)

Nov 10, 2005 01:32

Rec Category: crossovers

Pairing: none
Category: Stargate Atlantis/Harry Potter crossover
Warning: umm...none that I can think of?
Author on LJ: isiscolo
Author's Website: Hieroglyfics

Link: Clarke's Law

Why This Must Be Read: It seems to be an increasingly popular theory in Atlantis fandom that the ATA gene and the gene that make you a witch/wizard are one and the same, and not without logic: both do seem to endow the power to make seemingly-inexplicable things just happen. *grin* Plus, it's now canon that Merlin was an Ancient. ;-) And because Beckett is the only character on the show that we've seen who a) is from the UK and b) has the ATA gene, many of the stories/icons/etc. that I've seen which explore this concept revolve around him (including one of my own). This one doesn't break that pattern, but what it does is delve into the concept much more deeply than anyone else has to this point and does so believably, even finding a way to bring some canon HP characters--including Harry himself--to Atlantis after Beckett stumbles onto the fact that it's possible to use magic as a powerful weapon against the Wraith. The crossover is *very* Atlantis-centric, and most of the HP characters have barely more than cameos, but if you like both universes and especially if you're a Beckett fan, it's definitely worth a read. *grin*

crossover, action/adventure

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