Second Prime (by Imperfectcircle) (M)

Jul 31, 2017 17:24

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Threesomes (specifically Rodney/John/Radek)
Characters: Radek Zelenka/Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Categories: slash
Warnings: Nil
Author on LJ: imperfectcircle
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: Second Prime on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: This is short, delightfully snarky, and not as angsty as my last rec - hardly any angst at all, in fact. It's from Radek's POV and the writing's really great.

"Sheppard wants us so bad." Rodney leans over and adjusts a third crystal. "And-- wait, wait, surely you're not trying to blow this fuse?"

Radek shrugs again. "It is true. Driven insensible by lust for you, Rodney, I am now trying to break the electronics. Also your team leader wishes to sleep with both of us. Please, don't judge us."

slash, pairing: john/radek/rodney, sga

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