Black Sapphire by dingochow (E)

Jul 29, 2017 21:22

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Threesomes (specifically, Rodney/John/Radek)
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka
Categories: slash
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: dingochow
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: Black Sapphire on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: What I like about these threesomes including Radek is that he's usually written as fairly strong and snarky, and this is an excellent example. John's dismayed when Rodney takes up with Radek, although he tries not to let it bother him . . . but it really really does. Then Radek and Rodney get earrings, and get exponentially cooler. It's hot as hell and has a little dom/sub interplay as well, with Radek as the dom. Very well written and with a lovely slow burn as John tries to handle their relationship, manages to come to terms with it, becomes a kind of friend of the relationship, and then eventually much more than that. It's beautifully handled, and an excellent read.

Well, this was awkward: crammed into a small windowless room without his clothes and with Rodney's boyfriend. John turned off the monitors with a quick dose of the ATA gene and rushed to cover up with one of the two small towels handily provided. Zelenka didn't bother, just stretched, shook out his wild hair (thinning more every day in the front and on the top, John was glad to see, but still thick in the back) and put his own towel down in the plastic chair before he sat down. The little guy had a rock solid ego, that's for sure, and John had to admit that he had nothing to be ashamed of in the naked department either. He was lightly built, but toned and nicely hairy, and he was pretty distinctly out of proportion where it counted.

Rodney's taste was better than John had given him credit for, more's the pity.

"Do you think, Colonel, that this would be a good time to have that talk we have been so carefully avoiding?"

"If we have to. But you start."

Zelenka smirked. "Why I am I not surprised? Fine. First, do not think I do not know exactly what is going on here. Other people involved may be clueless, but not me. I am a little poacher, yes, sneaking around in Lord John's territory and taking something that belongs to him. Rodney is yours, in your mind and in his own as well. I know he has a big crush on you. A Very Big Crush." This should be news to John, but it wasn't really. It was all so stupid.

"This kept him out of my arms, where I very much wanted him to be, and out of anyone's else's also, for many years. And you could probably still have him, even now. I know if you pointed one finger, and said to him 'Rodney, you are the one and only for me and I am in love with you. So now you must come live with me and be mine forever,' he might leave me without looking back." Zelenka made a this-way-that-way gesture with one hand. "He might, he might not, but I think that is what it would take. Perhaps I have an ego as big as Rodney's, if that is possible under present understandings of physics, but I am sure he would not go for less than that, not to be a dirty secret, even if it is to be your dirty secret. Do you have that to offer him, Colonel?"

slash, pairing: john/radek/rodney, sga

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