From The Ashes (series) by Brumeier

Jul 24, 2017 19:33

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Kid Fic (of the 'they are parents' variety)
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard (other supporting characters)
Pairings: McShep
Categories: Slash
Warnings: Grief/Mourning throughout and Miscarriage in the second part
Author on LJ: brumeier
Link: On AO3

Why This Must Be Read: Kid Fic tends to be fluffy. I love that about it but...put kid fic and angst together and you can create gold! This series wraps kid fic and angst together so wonderfully. The first installment in the series is wonderfully sweet and angsty, the second installment will break your goddamn heart in two and the third puts it back together in the sweetest way. I love these fics so much, I just reread them with the posting of the third and they were just as amazing the second time around.

“Let’s make a baby,” John said, nipping at Rodney’s earlobe while he jacked him slow, slow, slow.
Rodney rocked his hips, trying to get John to speed things up. “What?”

“Let’s make a baby.”

“You might…mmm…want to look at what you have in your…ooh, yeah…hand. We’re not properly equipped.”

“I’m serious.” John’s hand stopped moving, though he didn’t let go of Rodney’s cock.

Rodney sighed and rolled his eyes. “Do we have to talk about this now? It was just getting good.”

John rolled on top of Rodney, pressing their cocks together. Now that was more like it!

“Yes, I want to talk about it now. I want to have a family with you.”

It wasn’t like Rodney had never thought about what it would be like, him and John raising a couple of kids together. Neither of them had had a really solid childhood, and the thought of getting another go at it, of being better parents than their own parents were, was definitely appealing.

“So, what? Like adopting?”

John rocked his hips, and Rodney’s breath caught. “I was thinking surrogate. A little boy with your blue eyes and your brains.”

Rodney flushed, inexplicably embarrassed. It was sweet that John thought he had some good attributes to pass along to the next generation, but if they were talking about making a DNA contribution, it had to be John. He had a good body type, he was smarter than he liked people to know, and he was quite frankly beautiful.

“Tell you what,” Rodney said. “You stop teasing my orgasm, and we can have a serious, not-naked conversation about this. Okay?”

John grinned wickedly. “Oh, you’ll get your orgasm.”

And he did, twenty minutes later, John riding him and making the sexiest, most wanton noises that ever came out of a human mouth. Rodney had his orgasm, John had his discussion, and four months later they found the perfect surrogate mother to help them become a family.

drama, slash, angst, alternate universe/timeline, kidfic, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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