If There Be Thorns (by Astolat) (E)

Jul 23, 2017 23:09

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Threesomes (specifically, Rodney/John/Radek)
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka
Categories: slash
Warnings: The initial story by Julad is a bit angsty for McSheppers
Author on LJ: astolat
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: If There Be Thorns on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: My suggestion is to start with the story that inspired this one, which is Rodney/Radek, with pining!John (Beneath the Roses by Julad). Then Astolat took that idea and galloped off in a threesome direction. Great writing, excellent characterisation, some nice snark, and hot as hell - they're both great reading.

"Thanks to you, Rodney is now convinced he is irresistible gift of God to all humanity," Zelenka said, with profound disgust. "He is busy refining lottery scheduling algorithm for fair allocation of shares of his free time."

"You've got to be kidding me," John said, and then added hastily, "Okay, never mind," when Zelenka glared.

"Now he and his ego will have exclusive relationship," Zelenka said. "Nobody wins! Unless you have significantly more tolerance than I do, in which case congratulations, he is all yours."

"Um," John said, thinking about exactly how smug Rodney could already get. "Can I go with stupid?"

Zelenka folded his arms. "Yes, I thought so."

"Look, I didn't mean to do this," John said.

"You are a miserable liar," Zelenka said.

John shut his mouth, because Zelenka was right, and he hadn't even realized it until now, hadn't known that he'd been waiting for an excuse, for a chance.

Zelenka kept glaring, until he apparently got satisfied that John was well and truly aware of their respective positions as far as the moral high ground, and then he sighed and pulled out the desk chair to sit down. "I was not really expecting competition."

"I wasn't expecting to be competition, so," John said, morosely. His self-awareness was working overtime to catch up, too, because he was also realizing he hadn't been expecting to lose, so his own ego needed some deflating. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to -- okay. I did want him. I do," he said, giving the honesty though it stripped him bare; he owed Zelenka that much. "But I didn't want to screw things up for you. Either of you."

"Intelligence is the ability to hold contradictory beliefs, so you are doing well," Zelenka said.

slash, angst, pairing: john/radek/rodney, sga

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