One Way Ticket (series) by Tarlan (NC-17)

Jun 30, 2017 20:22

LJ Subject Line: One Way Ticket (series) by Tarlan (NC-17)

Show: SG-1 / SGA

Rec Category: Jack O'Neill
Characters: Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Elizabeth Weir
Pairings: Jack/Rodney, implied John/Daniel
Categories: slash, action/adventure, crossover, team
Warnings: canon level violence
Author on LJ: tarlanx
Author's Website: Tarlan on AO3
Link: One Way Ticket

Author's Summary: Jack O'Neill needs a vacation... away from what better place than a whole new galaxy.

Why This Must Be Read:

Jack and Rodney together on Atlantis! It's a less often seen combination and Tarlan hits this one out of the park.

This is a series of fic, but the majority of the story is in the initial fic, One Way Ticket. There are five ficlets that go with the base fic, mostly after the initial fic. But they make a good follow up to the basic story.

It's mostly from Jack's POV, and he spends a good part of the fic angsting over his attraction to Rodney. But Rodney gets his own in, pining over Jack.

It's on a mission gone awry where Jack gets hurt that our boys get together, but it's not easy.

But after some steamy sex, Jack needs to go back to Earth. He's on vacation after all! But, being his brilliant self, Rodney comes up with a solution that makes everyone happy!

"Don't I get a hug?" O'Neill held out his arms but had to make do with a salute from Sheppard and a nod of greeting from a smiling Elizabeth.

Later, Rodney would wonder at the source of that insane urge but, suddenly, Jack O'Neill was a solid presence against him, with Rodney's arms wrapped around a frame bulked out by the tactical vest and uniform jacket. Covering the shock of his own actions, Rodney pulled back just as O'Neill's arms reciprocated, though far more lightly.

"Wouldn't want you to feel left out, General."

Rodney stepped away fast, grabbing Daniel's arm and half dragging him towards the stairs in his attempt to escape before the slightly flustered General regained his equilibrium, only for Daniel to pull to a stop. His blue eyes were fixed on the risers of the staircase, lips moving in silence as he read the Ancient inscription of welcome. Once he finished, his eyes darted to Rodney, warmed through with excitement and pleasure. He knew how much Daniel had wanted to be part of the original expedition but Earth had needed his knowledge of the Goa'uld and then the Ori more than the expedition had needed his knowledge of the Ancients.

"I'm here," he breathed, and though Rodney knew that, technically, Daniel had been here before, he understood the difference this time around. Last time had been part of a mission with little time to savor the sights and sounds of the Ancient city, or to spend time with a friend. With worlds falling to the Ori almost daily, Daniel had forced his pleasure at finally being on Atlantis into the background, seeing but a small fraction of its wonder before the Odyssey took him and his team back to the Milky Way.

character: daniel jackson, team, action/adventure, character: jack o'neill, pairing: daniel/other, sg-1/sga, slash, crossover, character: john sheppard, character: rodney mckay, pairing: jack/other

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