The Other Side of Grace (by sardonicsmiley) (PG)

Jul 01, 2017 04:18

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Kidfic - of the accidentally de-aged type
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, other Atlantis characters
Categories: Gen
Warnings: Apparent character death initially, but the reality's much stranger.
Author on LJ: sardonicsmiley
Author's Website:
Link: The Other Side of Grace

Why This Must Be Read: I've been reccing a few de-aged John stories, and this is the big story about Rodney being accidentally de-aged back to five, and about John caring for him, fiercely protective. It's a big story in every way - satisfyingly long, and dealing with big issues and feelings. There's some angst in Rodney's background, and in how the authorities react, and the underlying sadness for John/Rodney fans that their relationship has to change into that of a parent and child, driven by their bond. It's a great read - highly recommended. There's also a podfic by librarychick_94.

And then Meredith asks, before John can second-guess himself too much, voice eerily calm, "What year is it?"

For a long moment John just stares, and then he sighs, kneeling in front of the couch, putting himself nearly on eyelevel with Meredith. The boy has his fingers tangled together, his mouth twisted down. John looks for the words to somehow make this make sense, and Meredith says, voice shaking, "You can tell me, it's okay."

John smiles, reaching up to tug on one of Meredith's curls, "It's not quite that simple."

Meredith's expression goes solemn and serious, "Time travel never is," and John shakes his head, feeling his smile slip a little more towards honest. Meredith is still too smart for his own good. It's oddly encouraging.

John takes a deep breath, sliding up onto the couch so he can sit beside Meredith. He's not sure how much he should lie here. For all that he's only five, Meredith is bright. John really doesn't want him to put things together on his own, to feel betrayed by them.

But he has no idea how to explain. Any of it. John finally leans his head against the back of the couch, and says, "First, I need to tell you a little bit about Rodney McKay."

John's explanation ends up as a choppy mess, probably with more information than Meredith has a chance of understanding, if the way his expression goes kind of glazed is anything to go by. But once John starts he has no idea where to stop, and it just tumbles out.

Afterwards, Meredith stares down at his hands, and asks, voice tiny, "What if you can't get Rodney back?"

John winces, glad Meredith isn't looking up to see his face, and tries to ignore the stab of pain caused by even considering that Rodney might be gone for good. He braces himself, and tells the truth, "Then I'll take care of you."

character: john sheppard, kidfic, sga, character: rodney mckay, gen

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