Uninterrupted by Ami_Ven (PG-13)

Sep 30, 2016 23:38

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Jack O'Neill
Characters: Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter
Pairings: Jack/Sam
Categories: Het, fluff
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: ami_ven
Author's Website: On AO3
Link: Uninterrupted

Why This Must Be Read:

Author's Summary: “Carter, I’ve had fantasies like this.”

Ami_ven, bless her, is a writing machine... she puts out a ton of short fic in multiple fandoms (including both SG-1 and SGA) on a regular basis. So she could use some love to show appreciation for her efforts and the body of work she's created!

This is a slice of mission fic, and if I tell you more, it's going to be longer than her fic. ::grin::

fluff, het, character: jack o'neill, pairing: jack/sam, sg-1, romance, character: samantha carter

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