Fly Like an Egyptian by Mitch (NC-17)

Sep 30, 2016 23:22

Meep! It's still September where I am!

Show: SG-1

Rec Category: Jack O'Neill
Characters: Team, George Hammond, Janet Frasier
Pairings: Jack/Daniel
Categories: Slash, Wingfic
Warnings: Mission gone awry, hurt/comfort
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website: On AO3 or On Area 52
Link: Fly Like an Egyptian

Why This Must Be Read: Daniel gets wings while in a temple on what should have been a routine mission (you'll figure that out pretty quickly, and it's tagged 'wingfic,' so it's not a spoiler). Jack gets all protective of his archeologist.

But being Daniel, he has to explore having wings, how it might have happened and how they work. All to Jack's consternation and frustration.

While this is a 'team' fic, it really is about Jack and Daniel, and what goes on in Jack and Daniel's relationship as Daniel immerses himself in his research.

Oh, and sex and feathers! That alone makes the fic worthwhile!

"Carter! Teal'c!"

Daniel finally recognized the panic in Jack's voice. It was for him. He opened his eyes and moved to rise.

"Hold still! Carter, you seeing this?"

"Yes, sir. Daniel, what do you feel?"

"What?" he demanded. "Jack, let go of me." He brushed at the hand gripping his shoulder. "Ow! Sunburned? How long was I-"

"S'not sunburn. You've got something on your back."

"What the hell?" Daniel pushed himself up and tried to twist around. "Ow! Did I get stung? Is something stinging me?"

"Hold still. Carter, can you-"

"It's coming out of his back, sir. Daniel, hold still. There are white…hairs…filaments coming out of your upper back. Between your shoulder-blades. Teal'c, my magnifying glass? It's not on him sir, it's in him. And growing!"

"What the hell? Somebody explain-Ow! Don't touch it, whatever it is."

"Sir, I wouldn't yank on the fibers. They're getting bigger."

Jack leaned closer. "Lots of little ones. I thought it was stuck in him. It's coming out of him. Back to the gate!"

Daniel felt like pushing or stretching. It was an odd sensation, tinged with sharp pains. He rose to his feet and bowed his arms, straining his back muscles. "Oh, that stopped the pain." He took several steps forward, away from the others.

"O'Neill, we should take Daniel Jackson back through the Stargate to seek medical assistance. The fibers are immense now and growing wider."

"Yeah, Daniel, they're spreading out in the air. You've got to get back to the SGC." Jack reached for him but Daniel moved farther away.

His glasses had fallen in his scramble to rise. He brushed at his shoulders and then held his palms out toward Jack. "No," Daniel objected. "Give me a minute. I need to…stretch." He hunched forward, stretching his back muscles. The pain was completely gone now, and he rose to his full height, stretching his arms over his head. "I need to…move." He could feel his muscles straining, shifting, and his back definitely wasn't itching any longer.

"Holy Hannah! Daniel, you've got…"

It was Jack who finished her sentence in a tone of absolute astonishment. "Wings."

character: daniel jackson, character: janet frasier, character: jack o'neill, character: teal'c, character: samantha carter, hurt/comfort, slash, sg-1, character: general hammond, pairing: daniel/jack

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