On the Road To Come What May (by rhymer23) (T)

May 01, 2016 14:30

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Outsider POV
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, OMCs, OFCs
Categories: Gen
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: rhymer23
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: On the Road To Come What May on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: I'm slipping this one in as it's still April 30th in some parts of the globe :). But I couldn't end a rec-series on Outsider POV without one by rhymer23, who's written some great outsider POV stories. This one is a novel-length epic, and a riveting action/adventure and hurt/comfort tale about the team, on a mission-gone-wrong. It's told entirely through a series of OMCs and OFCs from that world, and is a really great read.

Author's Summary:  It started with a strange vessel crashing down from the sky. Then three strangers appeared in a decaying city, willing to risk everything to rescue an imprisoned friend. For those caught up in the adventures of these four, nothing will ever be the same again. (Team adventure seen through the eyes of original characters.)

The creature moved towards him. It was fashioned like a man, clad in finely-woven black that was torn in places, showing pale and mottled skin. Its steps were shambling, like the creature that dragged itself from the first flood, trailing weed and worse things, death in every one of its webbed footprints. Its hand-like appendage was pressed to its side, and Ferris felt the roughness of stone against his hands and his back, and the warmth of the window at his neck, and a small, crazy part of himself imagined telling the lads about this down at the ale-house, holding court at the centre of a circle of empty tankards, but the rest of him just wanted to plead for his life.

The door opened and closed, and Adela was there, coming to stand by his side - oh, the foolish, stupid, dear woman - and… Oh. Oh! She was pushing past him, moving with that brisk resolve that never boded well for anyone. She softened when she reached the creature, though. "Sit down," she told it. "Sit down before you fall down."

"I don't… obey people… I don't know… as a rule," it said, but perhaps she gave it a shove - Ferris knew that shove well - or perhaps its legs gave way, because it sank down to its knees, and then sideways, sinking slightly into the disturbed mud and the ruined charvil roots.

"Adela," Ferris hissed, clenching and unclenching his fist at his side. "You can't…"

"Blind as well as stupid," she said, quite casually, not looking up from the fallen creature. "He's hurt."

team, point of view, sga, gen

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