In Which Rodney Frets and John Is Stealthy, a gay marriage fic for No on Prop 8 by beadattitude (PG)

May 21, 2014 15:08

Show: Stargate Atlantis

Rec Category: John/Rodney
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay
Pairings: John/Rodney, secondary background Lorne/Radek
Categories: Slash
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: beadattitude
Author's Website:

Why This Must Be Read: After the marriage equality decisions in Oregon and Pennsylvania the last two days, I had to go through and re-read some fics, and this was one of them.  It's short, but it's very cute, and captures the boys perfectly.

The day ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed, Rodney was a nervous wreck, vacillating between queasy nerves and righteous fury.

How dare John Sheppard not ask Rodney to marry him right away.

pairing: evan/radek, slash, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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