Rocket Fuel by Rowan Darkstar (M)

Jun 10, 2010 17:21

Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Category: Het, Jack/Sam, hurt/comfort, angst, episode related
Warning: Mature scenes
Author on LJ: rowan_d 
Author's Website: Beauty In Shadows
Link: Rocket Fuel

Why this must be read: A fairly recent Christmas fic by one of my favorite Sam/Jack authors. Perfectly constructed. Rowan brings out the rawness behind the controlled facades in the aftermath of Janet's death. Timeline's a bit skewed on purpose, set after Death Knell when Sam's still dating Pete, but right after Janet died. What starts off as a picture perfect Christmas scene swiftly unravels, despite otherwise best intentions. It's not a fluffy holiday piece, but it still put a smile on my face as things are finally resolved. It's one of those imperfect perfect stories. Imperfect, because their story never really was a fairy tale, and perfect because it's written exactly as it should be.

het, hurt/comfort, angst, pairing: jack/sam, sg-1, episode related

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