The Tears of Spring by Moon_n_Star (PG-13)

Jun 09, 2010 22:52

Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Category: Het, angst, kidfic, Jack/Sam, AU, episode related
Warning: WIP
Author on LJ:
Author's Website: Regulationship
Link: The Tears of Spring

Why this must be read: I know I know, it's a kidfic. And it's unfinished. (As far as I know). And considering it was written in 2003, I doubt we'll see an ending. *However*... it's beautifully written and if you close your eyes super tight you can pass it off as possibly a oneshot. Moon_n_Star takes guilt to a whole new level when she throws a kid into the mix, and it would be really interesting to see how different SG1's lives and relationships would have been in this AU. Set directly after Entity, this time with an extra character.

het, angst, alternate universe/timeline, pairing: jack/sam, kidfic, sg-1, episode related

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