Shattered Mirror, by angelqueen04 (pg-13)

Nov 21, 2008 10:55

Rec Category: Elizabeth Weir
Pairing: none
Category: AU, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Jeannie Miller, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Radek Zelenka, Peter Grodin, Jack O'Neill.
Warning(s): Mentions of character deaths, some torture
Author: angelqueen04
Author's website: N/A
Link: Shattered Mirror

Why This Must Be Read: A four-part story where John's team plus Elizabeth visit an alternate reality where disaster has struck. It's a nice look at a what-if? What would happen in a world where John, Rodney and Teyla were killed? What would happen to the remaining members of Atlantis, and how would they change? What would happen if they cut off ties from Earth? It's a great look at some of the character dynamics. ;)

Plus, random Jack, and that's always nice. ;)

It is a cloudy day, which only adds to the faint chill in the air. Weir breathes deeply, not at all uncomfortable with the cool temperatures. She’s grown used to the cold, almost enjoys it sometimes.

“They’re in the hologram room,” Ronon says as he steps outside on the balcony. He stays right at the doorway and does not venture over to where Weir leans against the railing. This is a sacred place, under Weir’s purview alone.

“She wants to know more,” she murmurs. “I think she’s about to find out some things that she might not like.”

Ronon stares at her. “Do you want me to get them out?”

She doesn’t answer him at first, considering. Finally she shook her head. “She’s curious. It’s not often that you literally get to see what might have been.” She smiles thinly. “No doubt she’s discovering that some things are better left a mystery.”

Ronon doesn’t understand, but he does not ask for clarification. He just watches her for a moment before going back inside.

character death, character: jack o'neill, character: ronon dex, character: peter grodin, character: teyla emmagan, character: elizabeth weir, character: radek zelenka, character: john sheppard, alternate universe/timeline, character: rodney mckay, character: jeannie miller

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