Title: “The Fine Art of Tinkering With the Stargate”
darkjediprincesFandom: Doctor Who/Stargate SG-1
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: PG-13 by default
Warnings: Possibly some language on Jack’s part, SPOILERS for "Last of the Time Lords"
Characters: Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, Teal’c, Tenth Doctor
Word Count: 1,314
Timeframe: Just before “Deadman Switch” (SG-1 Season 3), Post-“Last of the Time Lords” (DW)
Summary: The Doctor accidentally traps SG-1 offworld.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who or SG-1. Get the lawyers and barristers off my porch.
Author’s Notes: One of four SG-1 crossover prompts given to me by
kawaiispinel. ^^ Be gentle, this is my first DW fic.
I'm also still looking for SG-1 crossover prompts! Crossposted to
crossoverfic and my fanfiction comm,
millenniaff (
The Fine Art of Tinkering With the Stargate )