Title: Tossed Upon the Waves
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: K
Summary: It's days like these that make John Sheppard love his job as military CO of Atlantis.
A/N: This is a little something I wrote for an author friend of mine,
ancient_leah. She writes these amazing Team Kemp stories and publishes them over at
fanfiktion.de (which means that to date unfortunately, all of them are only available in German... but I'm working hard on convincing her to change that ;)) and after an intense plotting session I just had the feeling I'd like to give Team Kemp some time to relax. This is what came out of it. Also, she allowed me to tie them into my 'Protect and Survive'-verse which is another sign that she rocks :D (a gold star for everyone who finds the sentence that does the tieing ;)).
And of course this wouldn't have been published so fast if my beta
mackenziesmomma hadn't succumbed to my incessant nagging as fast and professional as she always does... which is why she also rocks!
Tossed Upon the Waves )