Tonight's gonna be a good night.

Feb 02, 2010 15:01

Today I wore my new Dharma Initiative shirt to school, and it got the best reactions ever. I kid you not, half a dozen people I didn't even know stopped me in the hall to compliment me on it/have a minor flail-fest about the premiere. And my entire calculus class took an impromptu 10-minute break to ramble about the show, because it turns out my teacher is a big-time fan  who wound up trying to explain ~the Island's mystical healing powers~ to these kids at the back. I just about died laughing.

I'm pretty much going to be hanging out over at ontd_lost 's party post for the rest of the day, but guys? We've made it eight months, and I'm absolutely certain this is gonna be fantastic. :D

epic win, lost, now panic and freak out

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