Day 02 → Your favourite movie

Dec 03, 2009 21:30

Flashforward's last episode of the year was on tonight, which frustrates me. Why on earth are all my favorite shows going on hiatus 'til February/March? This is a travesty. (Randomly, though, I apparently share a birthday with Mark Benford. This is the first time ever that a character anywhere has shared my birthday, and I very much approve.)

Okay, meme time. Favorite movies? Let's see here.

1. LOTR trilogy. They will be my favorites always and forever. I can't even tell you how much all things Tolkien-related shaped my childhood, because that's a massive essay that may have had a hand in getting me to England this summer for another time, but aside from the powerful nostalgia, they are absofreakinglutely gorgeous and the dictionary definition of epic. So. Much. Love.

2. The Star Wars saga. Here's where my blasphemy shows through -- I actually grew up more with the PT than the OT, and am consequently a little more attached to Episodes 1-3. The OT is better in so many ways, but man, there are just some things I'll always associate with the first three and love them for -- uniting my BFF and me through lulz over Obi-Wan's high kicks and Jango's exploding jetpack, fangirling Qui-Gon, going to see ROTS in theatres and my friends crying all over each other during the Purge, Anakin's Infamous Sand Line, movie marathons at the Casa de Clifton, everything. And of course there's the fandom. I wouldn't be on LJ if it weren't for Star Wars, and I've met some truly, truly awesome people throughour mutual love for the GFFA. <3

3. Treasure Planet. Believe it or not, this is one of my favorite movies of all times. I wish I could have written/directed/produced/had a hand in making this film, because it is seriously everything I could have ever wanted in a movie. It loks beautiful. The soundtrack is amazing. The story is awesome. Also, it contains STEAMPUNK SPACE PIRATES, and if you don't think those are awesome, you must be crazy. Kallie and I watch this movie every year when we get together, and it never gets old. Take my word for it and check it out. :D

30 day meme

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