Scarred for life

Sep 06, 2009 00:02

Kallie's heeeeeeeeere. For the last 24+ hours, it's been a nonstop fiesta here, and I am a happy thing. We're currently going through our yearly ritual of watching ancient animated movies that, for one reason or another, traumatized us as children. The list so far:

+ FernGully: the Last Rainforest. Okay. That evil freaky pollution-monster Hexxus was the scariest damn thing I'd ever seen as a kid, bar none. *shudders* (This almost certainly explains my Smoke Monster paranoia, haha.)

+ Once Upon A Forest. Neither of us can remember anything except for a gas leak and a poisoned baby raccoon. That says enough right there.

+ The Brave Little Toaster. Don't you dare laugh. That part when the vaccum cleaner was short-circuiting was freakin' terrifying, not to mention the Giant Evil Magnetic Junkyard Thing and the evil transvestite appliances!

+ All Dogs Go To Heaven. When the main!dog got hit by the car, we were both traumatized. And there was a Satan!cat. Ew.

+ Anastasia. Rasputin's creepy enough in real life, but an evil decaying zombie version? Do not want, plzkthx. Also, there was a possessed train, I think.

So, flist, any of you want to add to the list? What movies scared the crap out of you irrationally as little kids, and have you watched them since? (If you haven't, look one or two up. They're utterly hilarious in retrospect.)

lists, lulz, kallie

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