Sep 15, 2008 18:15
+ It is possible, though not enjoyable in the least, to get through a day normally with approximately 0 hours of sleep the night before. All you need is a song by Muse, a song by Coldplay, and a song by Belle and Sebastian to get you through the morning.
+ I need a day planner very badly.
+ Pinhole cameras don't like me. Neither do photo chemicals.
+ When you've stepped in a fire ant mound while trying to take pictures with said pinhole camera, it's often quite effective to fling your shoes off across the pavement if they've been swarmed to prevent more bites. Loud swearing and frantically doing the Dance of a Zillion Fire Ants is strictly optional. Luckily I don't have high sensitivity to fire ant venom.
+ Obi-Wan Starfighter Happy Meal toys do not do a good job of accelerating in a straight line. This was demonstrated today in Physics, among enthusiastic remarks of "No, no, you've got to use the Force, Mr. Tuttle!" (My God, we are such geeks. Wait, is this supposed to be surprising?)
+ Fish won from the toss-a-ping-pong-ball-into-this-bowl-game at county fairs have a life expectancy of approximately two days.
+ It is not a good idea to name said fish after beloved fictional characters. You start to associate them with the character, so that when they inevitably go to the Great Fishbowl in the Sky, you're particularly mournful 'cuz, you know, John just died.
+ It is an even worse idea to listen to your little sister's remarks that the Rodney-fish isn't going to last long without his buddy John. The slashers would definitely make some comments about that, but I was simply reduced to a fit of helpless laughter at this probably pathetically true statement.
I'm terribly, terribly bored at the moment. If you read this, why don't you comment with some things you've learned today as well?