Fright Night

Aug 28, 2011 20:52

...was, surprisingly, fantastic.

I'm not a huge fan of horror movies: aestheticized violence I have no problem with, but as soon as it crosses the line to actual body horror I am no longer cool with it. And I thought I'd outgrown vampires. I spent waaay too much time in middle school fixating on Van Helsing and derpy supernatural RPs, and was burned ( Read more... )


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vestigialwords August 30 2011, 14:10:39 UTC

I went in with really low expectations too, but was definitely pleasantly surprised, not only with the plot, but just with the characters in general. Like, they were all amazing. What I liked is how they all reacted kind of... logically (given the circumstances) to "oh shit, there's a vampire next door."

That and how Amy and Charley's mom weren't just there to a.) prop up Charley, or b.) sit around screaming. They were out there fighting, and were no more or less scared than Charley himself. Which was nice because EVERYONE in that situation would be about ready to piss themselves.

I have a soft spot for Ed, ngl. The scene where he's explaining the situation to Charley is one of my favorites. I have to admit that I did not see his twist coming. I mean, I wasn't surprised either, but I really did not see that coming. But it was so right given his insecurities and issues.

more or less a mutant hybrid of the Tenth Doctor and Russell Brand.
Truer words have never been spoken.

And now that that's all been taken care of: DAVID TENNANT IN LEATHER PANTS AND SILK BATHROBES.

that is all.


starfoozle August 30 2011, 15:06:04 UTC
Exactly. Perfectly logical and rational reactions to a seemingly illogical situation. Everybody was just so human in how they dealt with said circumstances, and I loved that.

Oh, I wound up loving Ed too. They just got his character so spot-on. I know several real-life Ed-types, and the accuracy there was both wonderful and disturbing, considering what happened.

LEATHER PANTS AND SILK BATHROBES INDEED. I still have a hard time believing that that wasn't some sort of deranged fantasy pulled straight out of the collective unconsciousness of Who fandom. I can only imagine the fic this might spawn. *endless amusement*


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