Set 5

Jul 26, 2010 12:58

Remind me to tell you about the nearby neighborhood that looks like it fell out of a videogame, please. (I'm not telling you about it now because I want to get some photographic evidence first -- it is creepy and freakin' amazing.)

Also, meme consistancy: I cannot has it. Not under a cut because there's like five sentences total.

13. Your favorite season: they've all got their ups and downs, but Season One remains the single most addictive, wtf-worthy, best season of any show I've ever seen. S4 comes in a very close second.

14. Favorite LOST-related tumblr: Sorry, I'm like the only person in existence who doesn't do Tumblr.

15.  Favorite LOST-related fanfic: It's almost impossible to choose. Anything by hitlikehammers , khaman  or raikune  tends to be several dozen kinds of amazing. I guess if I had to choose just one, it would be hitlikehammers 's incredible "Remember (Be Here Now)"  which is a lovely, thoughtful and moving look at how Richard and Ben's relationship might have evolved over time. I've re-read it more times than I can remember.

30 day meme, lost, pimping

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