San Francisco

Jul 25, 2010 13:14

I'm headed to San Francisco with my aunt on Wednesday and am totally psyched. Slight problem -- I've never been to California, let alone SF, and neither has my aunt. We're planning on just showing up at our hotel and asking the concierge to name some things they'd recommend checking out, but I thought I'd ask you, oh beloved and well-traveled flist, if you've ever been and have any particularly neat places you suggest I check out.

So:  What are some awesome things to do in San Francisco?

I know for sure I'd like to walk the Golden Gate Bridge, check out Muir Woods (giant treeeeees ftw), the Japanese Tea Garden, Haight-Ashbury, and possibly Alcatraz. (My aunt is hell-bent on doing a Segway tour somewhere and I may never live that down.) Other than that, I got nuthin' and am content to fly by the seat of my pants according to other people's recommendations. :D

advice, trips

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