Better to have loved LOST than never to have loved at all.

May 23, 2010 16:33

Well, LOST ends today.

My mood is fluctuating between this:

and this:

I can't believe it's really over, and apparently neither can half the population of my town. I'm wearing my Dharma shirt and three different people stopped me at the grocery store to talk about the finale tonight. It was unbelievable. I'm headed to a finale party later but have to go finish making fishbiscuit sugar cookies first, so I'll go ahead and put this up.

Thank you, LOST, for coming into my life exactly when I needed you most. I started watching just weeks after I found out I’d be moving, and the show ends the week I get out of school. Thanks for helping to keep me sane when everything around me was in transit.

Thank you, Awesome Former Physics Teacher, for introducing me to said show. For the record, you’re way cooler than Artzt and Faraday combined.

Thank you, Darlton, for keeping my brain in a permanently scrambled state. It’s rare to find a TV show that requires one to think. I appreciate it.

Thank you, Michael Giacchino, for some truly epic music.

Thank you, writers, for some of the most fascinating characters I’ve seen in fiction anywhere.

Thank you, Michael Emerson and Terry O’Quinn, for getting me interested in acting again and motivating me to try my hand at it when I next get the chance.

Thank you, John Locke, for helping me figure out the whole “man of science, man of faith” thing for myself.

Thank you, Benjamin Linus, for so much, but especially this lesson.

Thank you, Richard Alpert, for reminding me to “remember, be here now.”

Thank you, Juliet Burke, for being a woman of science and a bamf, and for inspiring an essay that got me into the school of my choice. Seriously.

Thank you, Smoke Monster/MIB/whoever the hell you are, for all those nightmares. In a roundabout way, they helped me process what was going on in the real world and face my fear of the unknown.

Thank you, Dharma Initiative, for making me realize that research stations do exist in the real world, and that I would love nothing more than to work on one. Hello, future career in biological research.

Thank you, Hawaii, for being the sort of incredibly beautiful setting that reminds me why I want to be a biologist in the first place.

Thank you, ABC, for giving me something to look forward to on Tuesday nights regardless of how crappy the rest of my week has been.

Thank you, RL friends, for the Lost Fiestas at the Casa de Clifton, the endless supply of Hawaiian pizza and mangoes and chai tea, and the excuse to bond before I had to leave you guys behind. You are my constants and I love you so much.

Thank you, assorted fansites, for fantastic comics, recaps, videos, and generally delightful ways to procrastinate.

Thank you, ontd_lost , for your constant source of good-natured madness and amusement. I’m pretty sure you took my innocence, but I don’t think I mind.

Thank you, Losties on my flist, for holla posts, for discussions on Egyptian mythology, classic literature and the axis mundi, for beautiful fanart, for gifs and fic and icons, and most of all for being someone to talk to about all this. Love, love, love. 

And finally, thank you to everyone else on my flist, for putting up with this madness. I promise, it’ll all be over soon.


life, endings, fandom, lost, fan-geek things

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