You take what you can get.

Apr 05, 2010 14:48

It's spring break, and I've been feeling somewhat grouchy these past few days. My sister, lucky punk that she is, has gone off to the beach for a week with her best friend, while I am staying here, decidedly landlocked and with all my local friends off traveling, in Ohio. In a fit of boredom, this is what I have been doing this afternoon:

EL's Recipe for a Fake Beach Vacation

1. Put a towel down on the back deck.
2. Acquire a thermos of lemonade or cold tea.
3. Bring out your laptop, turn up the speakers, and put on an oscillating white noise/wave-sound generator like this.
4. Find some cheesy reading material.
5. Chillax. Swim trunks and flippy-floppies are of course strictly optional.

vacations, lulz

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