[Elizabeth & Kirk] Some Time with your Thoughts

Jun 10, 2009 23:20

Another boring day in the medical bay was all that Elizabeth thought she had to look forward to until she read the message left for her by James T. Kirk. It was a simple request with no real detail: “Pencil me in for 1800”. It was no secret that the Captain and Dr. McCoy were friends, and the time he selected fell right around the end of the CMO’s shift. Clever, she thought to herself as she added the appointment to her completely clear schedule.

The days slipped away slowly in the medical bay when there were no patients to be seen. With Chapel and the Doctor running everything, an extra physician wasn’t needed. Not that Dr. Cranky McCoy felt she was a “real” physician even if she spent just as much time in med school learning the same things he had. It was hard enough getting by in Starfleet without jackasses like him thinking you were useless.

Just the thought of it made her angrier than it should have, but she took a deep cleansing breath every time that frustration got to her. Being out here in space on someone else’s ship, in someone else’s’ medical bay and borrowing an office while you waited for another assignment was enough to drive anyone crazy, even if they were suppose to be level headed and nurturing and understanding whenever someone came to them with their problems.

All this alone time with her thoughts was making her as cynical McCoy.

Thankfully a knock on her borrowed office door was the relief she needed from being trapped with her own thoughts. Time to pick someone else apart. She put on her smile and rose from her desk, and signaled Jim to enter.

“Hello Jim,” always use the first name, it makes them more comfortable… always reminding herself of how its done when they are a patient. “Come, sit down. I’m glad we are finally able to talk.”

character: jim kirk, character: elizabeth dehner

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