For anybody around these parts who's still a Harry Potter fan, I've just started posting a set of one-shots that I've been working on for, oh, I don't even remember how long! They're all genfic, loosely grouped around the theme of "headcanons for various secondary characters in the years beyond the war." And also, sort of, "how many types of relationships can I write about that are something other than romantic relationships?" (Friends, siblings, mentor-mentee, etc.)
The characters in question are: Cho, Viktor, Dean, Neville, and the final one is almost definitely going to be about Ginny and Luna...but I still need to write it. :-)
I'm going to be posting these very gradually, since all except the first one still need to be revised, and the amount of time I have for revising fic right now is roughly zero... So I think I'm probably not going to post them on Dreamwidth at all, until the whole set is done and can be posted together. But if you're interested, you can find them on AO3, where the first chapter/one-shot is up:
More Than This World Can Contain.
(Crossposted from
this post on Dreamwidth, which is now my primary journal. Comments are fine in either place.)