Yuletide 2012 - Dear Author Letter

Oct 25, 2012 15:35

Dear Yuletide Writer of One of My Requests;

Hooray! Hi! Thank you for offering one of the fandoms I've requested!

Let me say just a few general things:

1. HAVE FUN. If you are offering a fandom, you probably love it, so write something that YOU like.

2. Here are some

In general terms, I like:
-past tense
-third-person narration
-first times
-established relationships
-banter (or at least dialogue, which I often find hard to write, but I do love reading it!)
-mild angst/UST, especially if it's resolved
-happy (or at least hopeful) endings
-good grammar
-styles like epistolary or Five Things fic (though straight linear fic is great too - that's what I tend to write!)
-consensual sex

In general terms, I don't like:
-character death
-deep horrible emotional pain and angst
-really bad physical pain (I mean, I don't mind a slight bullet wound or whatever, but no torture, etc.)
-first- or second-person narrative voice
-kid!fic (which, um, shouldn't be an issue in any of the fandoms I'm asking for) or incest
-present tense
-hardcore kink!sex (I mean, a little bondage is fine if the story calls for it, but I'm not really into anything harder-core than that.)

3. Please take my optional details as suggestions, not orders. For example, the 30 Rock story doesn't HAVE to include cheese-shopping. (Though it is totally in character.)

4. Have fun! Seriously.

30 Rock
(Liz Lemon)
Liz Lemon and her daily life - buying cheese, doing laundry, the random thought processes, arguments, and conversations she must have with herself. Interactions with Jack are especially awesome. (With other 30-Rockers is great too.) I'm current so anything involving Criss works too. Any season, anything, really. Before, during, after canon is all fine.

* * * * *

This Is Where It Starts (commercial)
(Ben Watkins, Meng Ling)

If you were me, and if you spent 60 seconds watching this commercial, when the commercial ended, you said "and then they had sex, right?" I MEAN COME ON. There is so much story in these 60 seconds. Childhood! Teens! College ball! (And since the NCAA Tournament is one of my favourite things, I was squeeing right there.) Draft Day! (The angst, the highs, the lows, the suits, the frantic necking in the hallways.) The pros! (Not nearly as interesting as college in my opinion.) The OLYMPICS! (Another of my favourite things.) So yes, this commercial has it all, in little bits. And I want more! An expansion of the canon, any of it, would be great. Suggestions (which are just that, suggestions) include the tournament! Draft day! The Olympics! The yearnings, workouts, games, and hot times in between!

* * * * *

Bull Durham (1988)
(Annie Savoy)

Who is this woman? Where did she come from? What's her story, her background, her history? How did she get into baseball in the first place? Who was the first ball player she ever hooked up with? Before, during, after canon is all fine. Any appearance by Crash or Nuke is awesome.

* * * * *

Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
(Catherine Banning)

Who is this woman? Where did she come from? What's her story, her background, her history? How did she get turned on to those vile-looking green breakfast drinks? Before, during, after canon is all fine.


yuletide 2012, yuletide

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