A Year of Zip Movies: September 2012

Oct 13, 2012 16:12

September 2012

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
I kind of wish they had just made a Western, because the scenery was beautiful and the acting was good - other than Olivia Wilde, who I just do not understand. The aliens were gory and the story was pretty ridiculous, but this wasn't NEARLY as bad as we expected it to be.

Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Really sweet and funny. I don't know how we'd missed seeing this for 10+ years but it was a lot of fun.

Friends with Benefits (2011)
I really like Mila Kunis which is why I put this on the list. It was fun, and again much better than expected. Justin Timberlake has some great comic timing! I liked this a LOT - even though I do agree than they aren't really 'friends with benefits'. I loved the sets, too - her apartment in particular was awesome. And I liked that she was good at her job.

Green Lantern (2011)
OK, this was pretty terrible. On 'The Big Bang Theory' they said that Green Lantern should have been played by Nathan Fillion - that might have saved it for me. But probably not - the script was really terrible.

Parks and Recreation: Season 1 (2009)
Yes, we are really this far behind the Parks and Rec scene. This was entertaining, though I did have to do the hide-my-face-at-others'-embarrassing-statements thing. We will watch more of this for sure. (When 30 Rock is finished for good, probably.)

Currently out from Zip:
-Easy Virtue (2009)
-Seducing Doctor Lewis (La grande séduction) (2004)

What are you watching? Seen anything good lately?

arts: movies, a year of zip movies/tv 2012

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