Sep 24, 2006 12:18
Brandin you can fucking kiss my ass. You are nothing but a controlling egotical prick. You hacked into my shit to watch my every move like some fucking sick controlling husband. That's ridiculous. You were in the wrong. Then you harassed the person who does make me happy. You tried to make him feel like shit, (Not with the stuff about me, but with everything you assumed about him). You disgust me. You have NO room to talk about mistakes I have made. I agreed with how Steven was, remember? I thought I could make a difference. I was wrong. It took 8 months for me to realize I wasn't going to help him any. Not to figure out he was like that. Get it right.
I did lie to Matt once. We talked about it. I'm actually going to try to make this work for me. B/c he's better than either of you could ever fucking be. You both need to stop reading my fucking livejournal. Stop going through my shit. You want out of my life, I want you out of my life. SO FUCKING STAY OUT OF MY LIFE.
As for you Steven, I never fucking cheated on you. I never went after your friends. NEVER. I don't know where the hell you got that shit from. Anything I said to Khan was in jest. Yes I had started to have feelings for him, but I burried them, and wouldn't even allow myself to believe they were there. I told you when I started to feel something. I was honest with you ever step of the way. I told you I wrote him a letter and I told you that that was basically what it was about. B/c I had to let him know to get it off my chest, so I could finally get over it. I TOLD YOU. How does that mean I went after your friends and they turned me aside? B/c I sure as hell didn't. And none of them "turned me aside." The other two still fucking talk to me! So fuck you. Is this what you do? When you don't like it that one of your ex's is happy without you, you say she cheated on you? You're so full of shit. Who did I cheat on you with? B/c You are a fucking idiot if you think I cheated on you, and you can't even tell me with who supposedly.. We were VERY separated when I did anything with anyone else. And I only did anything with two other guys. I realized it was wrong. I don't talk to either of them now. How does that make me nothing but a jerk-off toy? Huh? What I did do wrong I stopped doing, and I haven't done for well over a week. We have been separated for months. I never cheated on you Steven.All I did was bitch and complain? All you did was whine and cry. I guess we're even. You had to put up with me bitching about MY ACTUAL LIFE. And I had to put up with you whine about the lack of yours.
The both of you make such a cute couple. Go ahead and gang up on me. Go ahead and say shit that isn't true. At least Brandin, you're a little closer to the truth. At least you don't just pull shit out of your ass. You may twist it, but at least it's based on truth. But you Steven... God. I thought you were better than that. I guess I was wrong. I knew Brandin wasn't... but I thought you were. You are nothing but a big spoiled baby. Grow the hell up. Get a fucking life. Get your fucking facts straight. You can't say shit about me b/c you're the one with the fucking memory lapses. You can't remember ANYTHING about our relationship.
You can both fuck off. You've both lost me. Leave me the hell alone.
Matt is EVERYTHING that neither of you aren't. and nothing that you are. I am happy. I know I have screwed up, but I plan on making this work with him. If you guys can't shut the fuck up with your bullshit, and be happy for me, you can both go to fucking hell.