Title: Old Enough to Know Better
starfireficFandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jack/Martha (Doctor implied)
Word Count: ~360 words
Genre: Angst, angst baby
Rating: PG13 for mentions of sex
Author's Notes:Written for one of the
Doctor Who Challenge #10 prompts - "No one knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know
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Very angsty and bittersweet, yet lovely too.
I suspect that once I start seeing Martha popping up at UNIT (yeah, I'm kinda spoiled for that already), and see more of Jack in TW, the Martha/Jack/Ten muse will desert me. Which just makes it more important to write this while I still can, I guess :-)
(Well that and the fact I seem to be writing Martha with umpteen other characters, male and female !)
It wasn't until the second time around of viewing DW s3 that I really started to see the layered complexity of DW!Jack... up until that point he'd just struck me as pretty and flirty on the surface, but without much there under the pretty to support it. After rewatching the season though, I'm seeing far more of what's deeper down in Jack, and getting quite a few DW!Jack plot bunnies coming through because of it.
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