The Court Jester My aunt and uncle suggested this movie to my sister and me. They kept jumping back and forth with my mom with inside jokes, which can be annoying when you haven't seen the movie yet :) They brought it to us last night, and we just finished watching it. From the minute it started, I knew I was going to like it. I love Medieval movies from the 50s and so on, including The Princess Bride from the 80s. I haven't seen many of them yet (I need to watch The Adventures of Robin Hood, among others), but I love how simple they are. Movies today are so filled with special effects, which is great and all, but these old movies are still great without all of that. For example, who cares if you can tell the R.O.U.S.s in The Princess Bride are people in rat suits. Isn't that still so fantastic? I think it's great. I love how to get tell everything is a set built by human hands. Today there's so much green screen as sets. Also, the costumes are so colorful and fun. I don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly. I love medieval times anyway, but they are so entertaining in film form, especially the films made before all of these hi-tech special and visual effects stuff. If you like that kind of thing too, then watch The Court Jester.
The Court Jester has entertaining musical numbers sprinkled throughout, instead of taking over the entire film. I love musicals- that's a bonus. Actually, a lot of the singing and talking and facial expressions of the lead actor, Danny Kaye reminded me of Donald O'Conner in Singing in the Rain. There's also one scene that is almost exactly like Don and Lina's "The Dancing Cavalier" scene (kissing her and saying, "I love you I love you I love you"). Danny Kaye was fantastic in this film. He recited everything perfectly for this part. That's another thing that I love about these older films. The dialogue is fast, funny, and performed in the perfect way.
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If you watch the scene, you'll see what I meant in the first paragraph. Isn't everything wonderfully set up and delivered?
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