detoxing from deodorant actually works! i don't sweat nearly as much as when i was wearing it.
and now i am one step closer to being a hippie.
i have been going to the gym nearly everyday which is a joy. despite douchebags that stand right next to my elliptical while loudly talking to their fellow gym rat friend, so distracting.
there are some excellent vintage stores here...i wish i had more cash flow but i am surviving on plasma money right now.
trying to decide if this weekend will be spent in north or south florida.
the spring time festival/ beer garden is this weekend here. but in sarasota my friends band is playing at the very last cinema sounds.
going to panama city next month, woot woot!
i have succumbed to twitter. but it's just so i can get updates on random british comedians.
stephen fry is a treasure.
my twitter name is contrariwhys
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