Jul 17, 2005 18:38
Well my week went alright, i got home tuesday from maries then i layed around and on wed. i worked for my mom helping her re-paint the mud room but i just puddied the corners, i also helped repair a door. Then around 6 my mom took me over to Chelsea and we got picked up to go out to this ladies house and make crafts for our secret sisters at Girl Camp. Then when we got back to her house i called my mom to come get me and then Chels asked if she could stay the night if she came home in the morning because her dad is home for the week from Alaska. So she got to stay the night and we recorded a funny tape and ate whatever we could find and listened to music and then to our suprise there was a freaking scary ass thing moving around on my floor and come to find out it was a scropian...im now freaking out trying to escape my room to go wake up my dad to get it, so i wake him up and when we go back into my room to show him it is gone so we told him it was going toawrd my blanket so he gets his shoes on and gloves and finally i spot it when he lifts up the blanket which it was hard to show him because it blended it with my rug, so i run to the kitchen and pour all the sweetner out of my mom's jar and run it to my room and chels throws a cd to my dad to help him get it. So when we get it we put bleech in the jar waiting for it to die...
Then we are way cautious and nervous so i shake out all my blankets and we gather them and go outside and sleep on my trapoline, we saw 3 shooting stars, well chels saw one i did not so she saw 4. And we kept hearing freaky noises and something walked out of the woods and at like 5:25 we went back in because it was cold and we had to go in before 6:30 because my dad left for work at that time and had to take her home so we went in and curled up in my bed intill my dad came and knocked well she got a little more sleep and i could not so i waited up intill she left watching music videos on mtv.
Thursday i talked on the phone and helped my mom more and watched tv and was mostly bored. Then Friday my mom and i went to Grants Pass and went shopping and i got a new bathing suit and shorts which i had to get shorts or my mom would b mad because i depress her when we shop together because im picky and tight with my money and i HATE my legs but oh well i don't like fighting with my mom and i felt bad. Then i got home and talked on the phone and returned calls and chels called and told me that her and her mom would pick me up at 9 the next morning to take us to a CPR class to learn it and get cirtified, we get our cards soon, then i call her later on and their mom tells me that cheks and brandy are on their way over to get me to stay the night without telling me so i get off the phone and get ready and they show up 20-30 min. later and pick me up in Brandys new car 2005 Ford Focas...chels payed her 10$ to come get me, then they are like suprise and i break the news to them that their mom told me they were coming. Then that same night we go to grants pass and medford and cruise around also go lost in med. Then get home around 2:30 or 3 being very quite. then saturday we go to our class and im sure cheks will write about the highlite of that class.lol. well anyways i go home afterwards and now it is sun and im at maries. well gotta go hang out now i have been on forever-