Nov 11, 2007 10:08
so the lab isn't open on weekends, but they asked me to come in on Saturday this week because we had a special project coming in from a very big client. there were going to be 9 large coolers of samples. i went in at noon, and they weren't there. our project manager, Judy, came in about half an hour later, and called the shipping company. apparently, GSO doesn't do Saturday delivery from that part of California. which is stupid, because we sat there on the phone with them and someone told us exactly how we should fill out the labels for Saturday delivery. so they are coming in on Monday. so since i was there i worked for a little more than an hour finishing up things i couldn't get to on Friday.
I went to a party with Kate last night. There were lots of people i knew from various places, but no one i was really friends with. i moved around and socialized for the first past, but once i started getting tired i spent the rest of the night sitting on the stairs talking with a guy named Nathan, who i had never met before. he was fun. when i first met him he was talking about really geeky stuff, so i felt at home. i didn't understand half of it, but it was comforting none the less. the rest of the time we talked about friends and girls and random stuff. i only drank in the first hour there because i had to drive home. most of the other people got drunk. it probably would have made me much more social, but there wasn't much there that i like to drink so i might not have gotten drunk even if i could (the Baileys was gone before we got there). we left at 1, and i got to bed at 2 or 2:30. it was up in Paso, which is kind of a long way to drive for a party. i don't think i've even been to Paso in a year or so. i felt really bad when i came home. mentally bad that is. i was just really mixed up and weird feeling.
today my goal is to go shopping. i don't like to shop for clothes by myself, because i don't know what looks good and what doesn't, so i like to bring a consultant. also i don't have very good shopping stamina, so if i bring someone who likes to shop, i can keep going longer. my main goal is new guy pants, because i only have one pair and the are really old. I'd also like a nice looking winter jacket, but i haven't been able to find any that aren't ridiculously priced or too small in the shoulders.