Oct 28, 2007 13:58
for some reason i don't really update anymore. but i still read everyones regularly.
last night i went to the GALA Halloween dance with Kate. she was a faerie, i was Julius Caesar. there weren't many people there that i knew. Rachel was there with some friends, which was fun, but she had to leave early. Michal Rogers from high school was there, and it was nice to catch up with him. We danced, and it was fun, but the DJ wasn't that good (but not as bad as prom). we must not have danced enough, because my legs aren't sore today. they charged for water, which was lame, but the snacks were still free. all in all i had a good time, even if most of it was spent sitting and talking instead of dancing.
im seeing Bay next weekend. by then it'll have been a month since the last time i saw him. I've been really busy on weekends. last weekend Julie came to visit, the week before was the women's retreat.
yesterday i bought myself a gift. i got a camera. it wasn't the best one they had, but its pretty good. I'm still figuring out how to work it, but i like it a lot. the only problem is the memory car it came with only holds 11 pictures, so i have to get a new one soon. I've been interested in photography for a while, but now i finally have my own camera and can get into it. on those lines, if anyone wants to pose for me that'd be fun. although i haven't come up with any themes yet for a shoot.