its all too fast...

May 24, 2004 00:54

friday night was graduation. damn, what a night. i almost didnt get to walk because they said my boots werent appropriate...but luckily somebody had an extra pair of really fucking ugly shoes that where a size or so too small...but hey, at least i got to walk. michael walked in with his line and i almost cried i was so proud. he said that when he saw me and saw the way the light was hitting my eyes as i looked for my family made him so happy. well, we both walked and we made all of our friends proud. there were people who showed up to watch both of us that we didnt even know were coming or were there until they ran after us afterward. then i went with michael to his house. i called my brother around midnight *he was staying here with dad* to tell him i'd be home around noon, that i was staying with michael. well, we didnt get to sleep until seven am and we didnt wake up till seven pm...uh...yeah i was really really late. my family practically disowned me cuz we were having a party for me that i missed most of. they were really pissed off. but anyway...michael and i showed up, got freaked out on by my family...i about had an anxiety attack...but michael stayed with me the whole time...and a few more friends showed up. it turned out to be a pretty good few hours of party. um...everybody left. next morning *sunday, which is basically today, but now its monday 1 am'ish* my mom and sean came to pick up my brother and they left to go back to michigan. my grandparents left right after to go back to florida. i went back to sleep around 8:30 am till about four pm. i called michael and then took a shower. vondy turned 2 today, but we kinda celebrated it the other night, so i went out...bought a pack of smokes for dad and some candies for vondy as a gift. then i went out with michael. we hung out with some people. i saw somebody i havent seen in a long time and realized how fucked up she is....we left and got taco bell *of course i had to mention jilliann while i was there. lol...i told michael that he needs to meet her...he said ok!*

now im home, listening to the few tool songs ive downloaded with the aid of a few friends. for graduation gifts, i racked in $800 so far (250 from dad's parents, 50 from mom's parents, and 500 from lucy and dad) and a really nice digital camara from my mom and sean. ive put a few pics on it already and lucy took pics today for me while they had cake for vondy's birthday. trey took a really good picture of michael and me...when i get more pics on the memory stick, ill put some of the pics on here or ill email them to whoever would like to see them...

i leave in about a sad.
michael and i will probably take a trip out to nashville again to go shopping. there's a few things we've had in mind to buy for him, so we're gonna go get 'em. we'll visit his family again too before i need to leave. michael wants me to live with him this week and i want too....except one day dad is taking off of work to take me to get my license and a bank account opened up for me. we're also gonna go talk to the highschool about getting my brother enrolled for next year...i also need to take a day to start boxing up my things and getting shit together that i'll need to take with me. ive decided to keep everything to an absolute minimum....only things ill really really need. any more than that will just clutter me with nonsense and throw off my focus on just getting through it with a good time and some good to take from it.

i not ready to leave michael...but this will be good for us cuz when i come back for my two weeks leave...he and i will have a surprise for, nothing bad, and no dont worry, it has nothing to do with babies or anything...its just...good stuff....

im in love...
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