Title :: "Squad S&M": 20 Facts About Division 11
Characters/Pairings :: Division 11 (Yumichika/Ikkaku; Kenpachi/Yachiru implied)
Rating :: R
Wordcount :: 1,177
Disclaimer :: I couldn't possibly own them when they've bloody taken over my damn soul. ._.;
1. For all that he terrified most of the Soul Society, Kenpachi couldn’t even intimidate his own squadron into having a decent breakfast. Yumichika and Ikkaku were continually late (he tried his damnedest not to think about why); and Yachiru did nothing but complain that her breakfast didn’t consist of candy, then throw fits at Yumichika and Ikkaku when they finally did show up for not bringing her some.
All in all, it was decidedly not the kind of battle that Kenpachi enjoyed.
2. Kenpachi had given Yachiru a name. Ikkaku had given Yumichika his first glimpse of real beauty. Neither one of them understood the loyalty they had inspired by doing so.
3. None of Division 11 minded blood in the slightest, not even their own. Kenpachi and Ikkaku grinned maniacally at it. Yumichika thought it was beautiful. Yachiru said it reminded her of candy.
Division 4 thought they were psychotic, and they were probably right.
4. Yachiru would get furious at Ikkaku for not giving her candy, and Yumichika would placate her (read: he did not want his lover’s face marred) by telling her what a beautiful woman she would grow up to be, and how many boys would line up just to give her sweets. Then Kenpachi would become enraged instead, and prematurely threaten any would-be suitors’ lives.
5. They were seen as ridiculously violent, as likely to kill you for annoying them as for actively raising a blade against them, but here is the truth that everyone overlooked: They were still patient enough to put up with each other, and that had to count for something.
6. Kenpachi and Ikkaku wanted nothing more than to die. Yachiru and Yumichika wanted nothing more than for them to stay together. And so, they had resigned themselves to wishing to die at their sides.
7. Kenpachi had expressly forbid Yachiru to ever go the human world, not liking the thought of all the new sweets she might come back with. (The sugarhighs she got from Soul Society candies were bad enough; what if human candies were worse?) Yachiru didn’t complain - staying in the Soul Society meant she got to stay with Kenpachi, after all. But when Ikkaku and Yumichika returned from there and all they brought her was riceballs, her earlier leniency was abruptly forgotten.
8. Yachiru had once seen Ikkaku shirtless, and cheerfully commented, “Half those scars are from Fairy-san, aren’t they, Pachinko-head?”
Kenpachi had quickly stifled her with candy, because hell if he wanted that conversation to continue.
(And he wished that he could do the same to Yumichika, who fucking wouldn’t stop laughing.)
9. The other shinigami referred to them as “Squad S&M,” and it made Yumichika wonder vaguely if he could use the vines from his shikai to tie Ikkaku to the bed.
10. Kenpachi always gave Yachiru a hug on her birthday, but gruffly ordered her to never let anyone else know, and scratched awkwardly at his head afterward. Yumichika had accidentally seen it once, though, but he kept the knowledge to himself - some moments were more beautiful when they weren’t shared.
11. Kenpachi had a habit of always keeping candy on his person (otherwise, Yachiru would yell), but kept this fact a fiercely-guarded secret (otherwise, he would never hear the end of it).
And of course, his Third Seat had discovered it anyway - while sparring, Ikkaku had landed a blow and suddenly candy was flying everywhere, as though Kenpachi was some sort of spiky-haired, bizarrely violent piñata.
Ikkaku had laughed so hard he cried, and immediately ran off to inform Yumichika.
Kenpachi had not been pleased.
(But when Yachiru had started to cry, he’d decided to keep carrying the damned candy anyway.)
12. Kenpachi and Ikkaku believed only in themselves, and so were blind to the fact that Yachiru and Yumichika believed in them as well.
13. Occasionally, Kenpachi would remember the pain of not having a name, and he’d almost start to pity his zanpakutou. But then he would hear about how fucking annoying Yumichika’s Fuji Kujyaku was, and then he’d just stop caring and consider himself lucky instead.
14. When Yumichika and Ikkaku first joined the 11th Division, Yachiru mistook Yumichika’s feathers for candy and promptly bit him on the face. His resulting howl was so terrifying that it cowed even Yachiru into good behaviour, and she never went near his feathers again. Instead, she simply switched to gnawing mercilessly on Ikkaku’s head, and Yumichika took this to be her form of an apology.
15. When members of Division 4 had to clean up after their sparring sessions for the first time, their initial reaction was inevitably panic, and cries of, “CAPTAIN UNOHANA, SOMEONE HAS BEEN MURDERED HERE, LOOK AT ALL THE BLOOD!” And they were routinely horrified when Unohana only laughed.
16. “Fight” wasn’t merely the motto of their Division. It had become the internalised mantra of their lives, as well.
Kenpachi and Ikkaku fought because fighting was life. They were already dead men walking, had already stared death down once, so what was the point in living in fear of it?
Yachiru fought to get stronger, so she could always remain at Kenpachi’s side and never be left behind. (And of course, she would fight for candy, too.)
Yumichika fought because he and Ikkaku were beautiful together like that, standing back to back and grinning wildly, splattered with blood that was not their own.
17. Someone had once asked how the members of Division 11 had met, and Kenpachi rattled off a deadpan, nonchalant answer: "I randomly picked her up as a baby out of a bunch of corpses; I nearly killed him myself but then let him live so he could try an' kill me; and then it turned out that he came as a fuckin' pair so the other one came along too."
No one else had ever asked that question again.
18. Whenever they came into her Fourth Division headquarters, Captain Unohana had taken to keeping a close eye on them - it genuinely amused her to see how ferociously they secretly cared for one another. Zaraki would hover by whoever was treating Kusajishi and glare (he’d already made half a dozen of her subordinates cry); while Ayasegawa’s facial expressions made it obvious that he did not approve of anyone else having their hands on Madarame Ikkaku. She’d have laughed, if she didn’t want them to become even more enraged and end up reopening their wounds.
(But in her heart, she dreaded the day when she would have to tell the rest that one of them was beyond even her help.)
19. If Yachiru had been a normal girl, she would have dreamed of marrying Kenpachi one day, with Pachinko-head as his best man and Fairy-san as her maid of honour (he’d be pretty in a dress, after all). But as it was, she understood that probably none of them would survive long enough to see her grow up, if she had the chance to grow up at all.
20. There was loyalty in the other divisions, and friendship, and in some cases even love. But in Division 11, they were one another’s worlds.