Enochian Archery part II

Oct 04, 2010 07:38

This is a short speech from the Cherub ZIZA which illuminates a certain amount of the material I described here: http://starchamber007.livejournal.com/286402.html I’m entering week four of six (I think) in my work with the BITOM tablet. I’ll provide a more in depth description of what has been taking place, to the extent that is possible without boring people with my biography, very soon. If you want what appears below to make sense I recommend you familiarize yourself with the post I link to above.

Z- What I’m saying is that you are of two minds, and you will need them both. Not that you are undecided… how do I say it? You are in two places at once, one inside of space/time, one outside.

AlphaNuPhi- What IS all of this? Is it- okay, how ‘in my head’ is the City of Thelema?

Z- TAKE AIM. Fire the arrow. Unite the target without and the target within.

AlphaNuPhi- That doesn’t answer my question.

Z- One mind aims for the other. Your life is the arrow. The outside world is HARD, like the wood of the bow, but pull upon the inside world, the string, and you will bend it to your Will.

AlphaNuPhi- The world outside of time is hard?

Z- NO. The INSIDE world is outside of time. I would have thought that would be obvious, Thelemite. Don’t you see? The place you pull is not where the bow bends. In fact, it’s the only spot that doesn’t. Bow and string are at once a pulling apart and a coming together of the inner and outer worlds- but at the moment of release- when arrow and target become one, there is a sudden cataclysmic unity in which all of these operations and tendencies are resolved into a single event. If it has been done correctly it will provide sublime satisfaction. Doubt it not. You’re always afraid that we mean to cheat you, but you can only cheat yourself.

AlphaNuPhi- How?

Z- There must be an ordering force. A rule and measure. The light to see and the eye to look. The eye to look within is self-understanding, and the eye to look without is that which ascribes value. They are the eye of an artist and a merchant respectively. Only when these two are reconciled by the light to see can these worlds be brought together in such a way that the arrow might become one with the target.

Supplemental Note:

Istar’s role in this work has been absolutely paramount. The whole thing has involved a great deal of astral work, which as most of you know, usually makes me a little uncomfortable. The bulk of my time has been spent in “The City of Thelema.” I made reference to this place briefly in the third installment of the first Istar working here http://starchamber007.livejournal.com/146032.html (if you can’t see the locked post PM me). May 9 2006 was the last time I would Mr. Church until I began the D.L. work on May 10 2009 (the sequential date was unintentional). He appeared in formal evening dress, and:

“He took me around the city which was my Will, and showed me the potential for corruption, as well as the weapons to fight it. It was a very strange conversation, but the mystical truths revealed were for me overshadowed by the knowledge that I could not longer come to him for advice. For that reason it was a long time before I would return to the city, or seriously consider the implications of what he had told me.”

Well… the time has come. And I’ve come back. As previously described, I was armed by the Cherubs of the EXARP tablet. My work with the BITOM tablet has me putting those weapons to very good use.

Oh, and for anyone who wants to know exactly what all of this means in an objective sense? Long story short, I don’t know. Short story long, I don’t fuckin’ know, okay? I’m just doing my work and assuming that it will make sense eventually. It always has in the past.

 watchtowers, doe,  007

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