(no subject)

Sep 20, 2014 22:31

It happens in a split second,
A million moments fused into this one and you stare at her, the blue of her eyes.
Not quite believing, as the words slip from her mouth.

It's in this moment you know,
She's never going to be that person.
She's never going to be the one to save you.
She will never be the one to convince you to stay.

Something breaks inside you as you stare into that blue.
You knew somehow that this would happen.
Knew on some level that it would come down to this.
You just never quite allowed yourself to believe.

She pulled you in, tore down your defences and waltzed right inside.
She never really understood the magnitude of this,
Despite your protests.
You wanted to believe, you wanted someone real to believe in and you wanted it to be her.

You're silent in that moment, no words could ever convey your disappointment.
You look away, utter some words of agreement or some answer to a question that she should have known the answer to.

When you look up, gaze back into that blue, she's smiling.
Her face glowing like the sun.
And your heart breaks with love, you suspected but never quite believed in.

She'll tell you later that you have to save yourself.
That the power lies with you
But what she never realised,
What she never truly got was the fact you never wanted to be saved.

© Emma Silvia 20/09/14

my poetry, poems, poetry, prose, my poems

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