Then it's definitely not the flat i have in "Smith". Now i'm back *home* in Ankara, the house i called home for twenty-some years and will be calling it that in the future, i believe.
There are so many things i love about this city. Things i can't see back in Smith. Like young men offering their seats to elderly, commuting easily (hop off the plane, hop on the bus right in front of the airport, be in subway in 30 mins, another 20 for me to get home). Maybe more than that the chilly smell mixed with a random whiff of smoke.
It's the young folk offering their seats to elderly. Both youth and old, people reading in trains and buses. It's commuting easily (hop off the plane, hop on the bus right in front of the exit, get on subway in 30-some mins, another 20 to get home). People respecting each other.
All compared to what i witness daily back in "Smith". I know it's not all roses here either. But here it feels home.
On other news, bro came home too. For holiday. After months (years?) we four are once again together. He arrived early in the morning while i was asleep and had went to bed too. (He sleeps a lot -grizzly bear anyone?- ) So, when mum woke me around noon, the first thing i did was jumping him in bed. Literally. What better way to wake the silly? Missed that, really.
There are so many good things about holidays. Thank God for each and every one of them. So, when bro suggesting swapping mp3 players, i was one happy girl. He accepted my mangy stupid -chinese- player and gave me *gasp* his ipod. (the facts that i was the one who gave it to him in the first place and that he still can't work his way through iTunes notwithstanding)
Who cares it's temporary.
I love my brother.
So, when he dropped the 16kg-colour laser printer we got for dad while running, i wasn't as furious as i would be any other time. Let's hope it's not broken. >_>
My interest in fandoms is still alive and going. I may not read as many XF fics as i used to, but the memories of those fics are still as strong.
The same could be said for HHr-fandom. Granted, there aren't as many fics as there were. Thanks to JKR and the mess she left us with. Even if there are even less good fics going, there is one i'm reading and liking a lot. It's
Coming Back Late, by
Paracelsus. Still a work in progress, but you can count on him to update regularly.
My latest tv-fling Pushing Daisies is about to return with a second episode that starts on October 1st. I'm definitely looking forward to it. It's so Burton-esque with more colour and fluffy romance in it. Makes you smile in the way a Miyazaki work does. So, there you have another recommendation.
Now, if you'll excuse me, i've got an iPod to attend to.
Also, yay! for new moodtheme.