
Apr 14, 2008 11:59

This is almost enough to make me believe in a higher power (other than the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course).

After all of the yard and housework I did this weekend I had a bunch of stuff to Freecycle and donate to the thrift store. During lunch I stopped at the latter to drop off my donations. I decided to take a quick look around inside because you never know what you'll find.

I really wasn't expecting the nice futon frame. SCORE.

I learned my lesson from the star-crossed frame I bitched about yesterday. Before staking my claim I made sure the thing works. It's mostly metal with wooden slats to support the mattress. One of the slats is starting to split, but it's nothing that a little wood glue won't fix. Otherwise it's in great condition. I easily moved the futon from upright, sitting position, to laying flat, and back. w00t!


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