Heat is good.

Jan 16, 2008 17:35

Two weeks ago I called a HVAC repair place to look at my seemingly defunct heat pump. The guy replaced the thoroughly dusty air filter and voila! Heat. Heat pump guy (HPG) said to have my heat ducts cleaned.

Since HPG's explanation didn't sit well with me I wasn't surprised when my heat cut out again yesterday. Today I called the same place and got a different repairman, Don.

I like Don. He knows what he's doing.

After 15 minutes of poking around Don found the cause of the on-again, off-again heat pump: a burnt-out circuit breaker. He replaced it and pointed out some other problems, one of which explains why my bedroom is typically five to 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house. I'm going to take care of that one myself.


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