The definition of inconsiderate

Jan 16, 2008 10:32

I've lost the latest battle against the Fire Safety guys. Unless it's because my ears are popping and my hearing's that much better, the only Fire Safety guy here today seems to have his walkie-talkie cranked up to 11. I can hear the squawking clear as day through my office door. (FWIW, I can also hear the guy's radio playing, but only when my office door is open. I listen to music, too, but make sure that it can't be heard outside of my office.)

Rather than sit here and grind my teeth, I put on my polite face and walked over to his office. The conversation went something like this.

Me: Hi. Would you please turn down your walkie-talkie some?

Fire Guy (FG): I have to listen to it. For work.

Me: *blinks* Um... I'm going to close the door between sections of the building then. I can hear it through my office door.

FG: *shrugs and turns back to his computer*

Me: *grinds teeth, closes door between sections, retreats to office, closes door*

The best part? I can STILL HEAR THE GODDAMNED WALKIE-TALKIE. At least it's muffled to a tolerable level now.

griping, work

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